Chapter 3 Faith – Belief within yourself

Chapter 3 Faith – Belief within yourself

This chapter comes down to believing that you can do whatever it is that you have put your mind to. Michael Dlouhy continually reminds us that “We (Linda, Michael and mentoring for free mentors) will believe in you until you can believe in yourself.”

One of the things that struggle with is listening to the wrong people and then dreams will get smashed against the rocks as have listened to a naysayer again. It took a while to even be able to ask women on dates, in the past I would yet getting smashed against the rocks scared me. Then worked up the courage to ask Jenny how to stay in touch we did.

It takes courage to stand by yourself and your convictions, whatever you believe in as a person. To walk into a new group that first time, I have had many times where have been nervous owing to a new activity or simular. Being able to tell someone I love you again was something that needed to learn again.

Yet faith has brought up that belief about own health, that despite the lax muscles and musclular skeletal issues that have lived with for many years I will find a way to have the health needed. One day at a time, I have worked since late 2006 on improving health one day at a time. Some people have said to me that when I first went to the gym I was moving like a old man. At that time I had limited range ov movement in body, I managed to overcome such through working at health one day at a time.

Now it helped to lose those 45 kilos yet there were other health areas that needed addressing too and that has been a work in progress since 2006. Every day I need to work on own health knowing that in the long run I will be at that size want to be at of a small to medium clothes, having less spasms and working daily to have that health.

Thank you to Michael Dlouhy, Willena Flewelling, Ken Klemm for your loving support, guidance, encouragement and never giving up on me. I love you all so much, to the mental cleanse participants whos lessons continue to inspire me.

Abundant love, health and hugs

Health for life

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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