Chapter 1 introduction – the man who thought his way into business with Thomas A Eddission personal lesson

Chapter 1 introduction – the man who thought his way into business with Thomas A Eddission personal lesson

Chapter 1 thoughts are things:

The man who thought his way into partnership with Thomas A. Eddisson

Our own thoughts do truly create our reality. What we say to ourselves or think becomes our own reality and comes to pass. For many years I had personally wanted to be in a relationship married and a father. It had been inside for so many years to have own kids and be married.

However I had only found those who were not seeking the type of relationship that was as person. They sought other things such as less responsibility. Despite persisting though such and having managed to find a wonderful woman after realising that the next woman was to be own wife and that jenny was the one who was to be with. It allowed me to realise that I was needing to search for a person who had those same morals as what had.

A family orientated person, these last few months have been amazing. Having seen the most amazing love could ask for. From those congradulations messages to being engaged to the cards saying congradulations also, even the most loving accepting inlaws. Its been a real journey personally and I am glad that managed to finally find that place where was able to share own love with someone who was unique and loving as knew.

Thank you to Michael dlouhy, Willena Flewelling and Ken Klemm for your inspiration, love guidance and wisdom, your support and acceptance. Thank you to the wonderful mental cleanse participants who inspire me with their lessons.

Abundent love, hugs and health,

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 1 introduction from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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