Personal Lesson from chapter 6 Imagination

Chapter 6 Imagination

The workshop of the mind

The Fifth Step towards riches

This chapter struck home reminding me about anything you can conceive with your own brain will come to true. When you put behind it a burning desire for it’s achievement mixed along with faith and positively reinforce such.

Recently having experienced such with own recent trip to New Zealand to meet jenny’s friends and family. Knowing that it would be a good trip and a interesting trip also, now its onto proceeding with what really want to do with own life and own passion which has sat deep inside for many years. Which was what was doing everything for as a person.

For many years I have wanted own kids and to be a parent, to give own kids a environment which I didn’t get as a child. A world of encouragement, support and belief, anyway its time to create that world and plan it even better. It started with working on myself and chipping away at the rough edges and now that dream is starting to take place. I would gladly stay at home and take care of the kids, something that was to do.

However until now I wasn’t ready for such.

Thank you to Michael, Willena, Ken and Shelly for your inspiration guidance and love. To the mental cleanse participants whos lessons inspire me, thank you very much.

Abundant love, hugs and health

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 6 Imagination of think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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