Chapter 4 Auto Suggestion personal lesson

Chapter 4 Auto suggestion

The medium for influencing the subconscious mind.

The third step towards riches

What we say to ourselves is very powerful, weather that comes from ourselves or is the attitude of someone who we are close to. Michael did an amazing leadership call about such, each person is programmed from their own beliefs and that of their parents. We have to work on challenging that false programming.

No thought weather it be negative or positive can enter the subconscious mind without the aid of autosuggestion. It doesn’t have to come from ourselves though it can easily come from someone who we love so deeply as a person.

Auto suggestion really helped to find Jenny, I had been saying a self talk of I am joyfully loving myself, I am joyfully in a relationship, I am joyfully giving through mentoring coaching and support, I am joyful I have everything I need. I am very lovable.” For months prior to meeting Jenny, we had got to know each other a little.

Yet I kept on saying that self talk, the spooky part was I had said to Jenny lets meet on the same day I sent my ex a message asking how she was. That door closed a few hours later and then a few hours after that Jenny’s reply with her contact details arrived. From there it went to meeting and getting to know each other, then to being together. That was last September / October, we’ve been together 5 months and know each other 6 months now.

Another time when auto suggestion really helped was when was asked to go to New Zealand to meet Jenny’s family for Christmas where I gave up and was unable to see what was needed. Yet that came back again when Jenny suggested going in April and found a way to go. Own self talk was also at that time “I am going to New Zealand in April and paying for myself and will give mentoring coaching and support to those who need.”

Its been an emotional time lately even when you assist wrapping a gift for your partners nephew and its signed aunty Jenny and uncle Ben. Such has been a period that until now I was not truly ready to be that person who was meant to be. Those who don’t believe in what do well they have to be told as Michael says “I don’t expect you to support such, just don’t knock me down at all” yet sometimes we need to walk away from those influences and say this was for the best.

A big thank you to Michael, Willena, Ken and Shelly for your love guidance and support, your encouragement to become that better father, boyfriend, husband, friend, lover and so much more, to become that person who I meant to be who has found someone who has shown so many times that they truly do care and want him around as a person.

Thank you to the mental cleanse participents who inspire me continually with their lessons,

Abundant love, health and hugs

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter of think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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