Chapter 15 Personal Lesson plan

Chapter 15 How to outwit the six ghosts of fear

Take inventory of yourself, as you read this closing chapter and find out how many of the ghosts are standing in your way.

This was a powerful chapter that it demonstrated that for many years own life has been ruled by fear. From the fear of ill health, poverty, loss of love, criticism and death, also the seventh basic evil. Also that a lot of own associates were ruled by fears as well and now I am needing to stop replying to those fears.

Now I grew up with my grandfather who was a man that had few fears, you couldn’t tie him down as a person as he was off gardening, up late at nite working on his latest project from a painting job to a project for my grandmother. He could barely sleep some nites as was in a bit of pain, yet did his best.

Over the years I unfortunately let myself become programed through a number of fears which came from negative influences. Its taken some time to be able to face a lot of these and say hey don’t speak to me like that, to even realise that a person is operating from fear or jealousy or something else as a person.

One thing I remember is that when met Jenny there was no fear at all. I’d met a lovely lady called Jackie a bit before who was my first intermit relationship. Although it lasted only one weekend, it showed where had gone. From there I continued on own journey to become a better person and lover to Jenny. It took many years to learn those skills and many lessons to be able to have such a relationship as I have now yet a lot of people are saying you are so happy.

I had a dinner on Saturday nite with a best friend and a lovely dinner it was just the three of us, my best friend Sean, Jenny and myself. It was good company and relaxing over a lovely meal for me such would have never been easy in the past. Yet I knew it was ok and was going to be fine, these days I am aware that it is ok to be myself and that Jenny cares for me as I am as a person.

The muscle issues, the back issues everything. It makes no difference to her love, wow what a difference from the love that once knew. A love which was more fear based.

A special big thank you to Michael, Willena and Ken for your inspirational mentoring and guidance for your love support and encouragement to be able to do things that may have said I am unable to do that anymore with health. These days I do what can and do the best I can, thank you to the wonderful mental cleanse participants whos lessons inspire me.

Abundant Love, hugs and health

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 15 How to outwit the six ghosts of fear for of think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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