Chapter 13 Lesson The Brain

Chapter 13 The Brain

A broadcasting and receiving station for thought

The twelfth step towards riches

This chapter reminded me of using our emotions to transmit to the infinite intelligence. We all pickup on the emotions of others around us whether we are aware of such or not. The hard part is when someone is unable to express such emotions its hard and they must learn to express their emotions fully.

When we transmit our emotions by using our emotional energy as per chapter 11 on the mystery of sex transmutation then we can achieve so many things. However we must find that thing that gets us deeply emotional and use that emotion within our voice, our lives, our dress. Also we must send highly emotionalized thoughts off to the universe to have access to our own creative imagination as a person.

When someone is angry all they send and receive is that thought back, when someone is loved they project that love throughout their lives. When someone feels that they are unloved owing to a parent they start to see that occur in their own lives. Now I am beginning to understand how we can literally create our own lives through the power of our own thought patterns and also affirming our intentions with our own self talk.

Its been a journey to get here, yet for me the reason I was doing it all. Was so that own kids didn’t need to grow up in the same world I did, that kids had a different life. After saying that would be a different father. I discovered that in a way I am a combination of both own father and grandfather as they were both there when growing up. One a man of love, who would do anything for you. The other someone who was very unhappy, I took on the personality to please him. Sublimating own needs and desires without realising it was letting go of myself.

Thank you to Michael, Willena and Ken, for assisting me to become that better person. A better father to my future kids, a better boyfriend to Jenny and a better friend, for assisting me to learn who the true supporters were and who were not. Thank you to the wonderful mental cleanse participants for your inspirational lessons.

Abundant love and health and big hugs,

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 13 The Brain for of think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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