Chapter 9 Personal Lesson plan

Chapter 9 Persistence

The sustained effort necessary to induce faith

The eighth step towards riches

Without persistence we would achieve nothing in life. Where would anyone be, certainly there would be no Internet, no mentoring free. Persistence was needing to be developed a number of years ago personally when was told I had to lose weight.

I’d been struggling for years with such and had little success. Lose, gain mostly owing to a variety of reasons, was unable to always be physically active was part of it. Anyway I was advised in 2006 that needed to lose weight for would be up for a gastric banding. I was advised to go to the gym and lose the weight and started with gradual results. Then found network marketing and went on to lose over 45 kilos.

Yet also gained movement back and started to be able to do a lot more than used to. I could move up and down stairs easier. Using persistence has allowed the building of muscles which have been week since was a child. It’s taken time and yes it’s been uncomfortable at times with then pain which didn’t understand was week muscles being pushed. That took years to even understand I was unaware what was going on until was ready to understand such.

Persistence is about never giving up, weather it’s on your own health. Having a family of your own, network marketing. Most people are unaware that network marketing is all can do, as a regular job will impact on own health. It has taken some time to even realise and understand that personally.

Persistence is simular to the foundation for a home. When something is built on a solid foundation it succeeds, however build it on a rocky foundation or thorny ground and it will fall apart. You have to be determined to build that foundation and home slowly and gradually. The concrete has to set properly, the walls have to be rite. Everything has to be rite or its just going to fall apart.

Now for years I would aim at a goal and give up at the first sign of trouble. As would feel go awe what’s the use, I’d have this project partly completed. Oh that needs to be done, I am done with this one for now and sometimes would rarely come back to that project. There was a small fire under own desire to do something really, it was a whim. Not a burning desire.

For years I had to search for someone who made me feel complete as a person. That would understand and love who was a person, that took many years. As own friends knew I had been looking online for people to date. Go out on a date and was no connection, would get to know someone and the friendship would crumble apart. There was no solid foundation and when troubles arose the relationship was unable to stand the test. With persistence and building that solid foundation brick by brick relationships will stand the test of time.

That is what we are doing here we are building a new life for ourselves brick by brick and removing those faulty bricks and replacing them with stable bricks. We must persist and continue on or its will leave at the first sign of trouble. Yes there are people who walk away as soon as a problem starts as they want to avoid the fight or are unprepared to accept the criticism. Which was something that have needed to learn to handle all own life, I had to accept the bullies and that people would just knock whatever you did. Without persistence you just stop as soon as these people start upon you. You are gone you are too scared to do what you know is rite.

Thank you to Michael, Willena and Ken for your inspiration, love, gudience and support. I love you all so much, thanks to the mental cleanse community for your amazing inspiring lessons.

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 9 Persistence for of think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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