Chapter 10 Power of the Mastermind

Chapter 10 Power of the Mastermind

The driving force

The ninth step towards riches

This chapter was a real eye opener as it showed that need to be careful in the choice of own mastermind group. For years own mastermind was a bad group although it contained so many people who admired and respected. A lot of these people were unsuccessful although they may have projected a image of success.

It starts with starting to listen to the successful people, letting those unsuccessful people fall away to the wayside and switching off to their comments. It’s what has to be done, to be able to be a success I am needing to walk away from that group. Lately I have felt of neither world inbetween asif was in a transition. I need to network as much as can and be around the successful people.

It also means being cautious of who spend time with and take into own counsel. I know that Jenny is a positive influence and that spending time with mentoring for free is also what is needed. When you can openly discuss goals and dreams and what is going on with someone without ridicule then that person has shown themselves to be a valuable ally.

Our own mastermind group can be one other person who you are working with to achieve a goal of some description. At times when am out with Jenny chatting about ways that can create a income or investments, even savings ways to save more. Those times are as a mastermind group on its own, there is always a mastermind group going on no matter whether its in harmony or disharmony as a group you will achieve whatever you so desire as a group.

I managed to save what was needed to get a new passport and am renewing on Monday. Its taken saving and learning from the successful people to be able to save for such and having that goal of going to New Zealand in April to meet Jenny’s parents. As well as masterminding with Jenny on where can save or cut back on things.

Thank you to Michael, Willena and Ken for your inspirational guidance, love and support. Thanks to the wonderful mental cleanse participants who inspire with your amazing lessons.

Abundant love and hugs,

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter for of think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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