A true leader part 4

A true leader part 4

This post follows on from parts 1, 2 and 3 of true leadership

A true leader uses others experience too and is always learning. They mastermind with other people, there is always a mastermind going on wherever you are as a person. In your home, your work place, you life, you business, its everywhere except people may be unaware of such.

This week as part of the mental cleanse we are studying the power of a mastermind, which shows how men of wonderful achievement have been able to achieve wonderful fortunes whist drawing on the knowledge and experience of others. You don’t have to have that knowledge within yourself, you just need to know how to acquire the relevant knowledge or experience for what you are going to do in life.

For years I was subconsciously seeking out the experience needed in order to become the person I was intended to be. I had to learn a lot of things, yet there were people who literally couldn’t understand who was as a person. A leader doesn’t stop learning, they are constantly evolving and becoming a better person.

A true leader reads a book and listen to audio trainings. They are a student of personal development and they will find a way to do it, the 30 day mental cleanse is a wonderful place to start by learning from a wonderful mentor Michael Dlouhy a wonderful team of people who have a wealth of knowledge in business and life. Especially in network marketing, now when you stop learning you start declining and becoming a worse person. Yet the hard part is there are so many people who believe they have learnt it all and want to cruise through life.

They believe that riches are given, they believe that a big win in lotto or the stock market will fix all their problems. Yet it doesn’t, there are stories of children from wealthy parents who have lost the fortune as they didn’t believe in hard work as a person. The people who believe in get rich quick schemes don’t believe in the hard work that is needed to obtain those riches. They believe in the quick fix mentality. You have to be constantly working on yourself as person and becoming that better person who others want to be around. The hard part is that there are people out there who are repelled and you really don’t want to be around as a person. Some of these people are just plain ignorant.

The hard part is that sometimes a person needs to find also someone who genuinely does care about them and show them they care before they can grow up. They need someone’s genuine love to become a success in life. A true leader develops their skills weather they are aware of such or not. There are people who need to be shown genuine love and affection before they can even calm down and become that better person as a whole.

That is a genuine true leader. They keep on going through those tough times knowing that there is a huge win for them in the end. Yes they face criticism and more, yet they just keep on going.

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