Personal Lesson from Chapter 7 Organized Planning

Chapter 7 Organized planning

The sixth step towards riches

This is a powerful potent step in the journey towards riches, yet the hard part is that for me there was so many goals. Yet I had really never planned their attainment and therefore they were pipe dreams, that was going for so many different things that was unsure what really wanted and the universe didn’t know either. Oh boy what a mess for years I would want the relationship with all the romance, leaving home and traveling the world.

That was hard as wanted it so much, yet was unsure of the way to obtain it as was unable to understand that you needed to plan such. It has been a big lesson that had to learn to plan for those goals and dreams and be specific as to what was wanting. Rather than wanting it all yesterday, so we must plan where we are heading in life. The hard part is that for some people they literally didn’t learn to plan their jobsearch, their career and where they wanted to be.

The time that a plan did work for me was meeting my two girlfriends. The plan was a simple as I could make it as when got to complex it fell apart. It was as simple as introduce myself via online dating and get to know people, that was it. It took time to get to know some people others it was quick as, however it got easier as I grew as a person.

Hill also talks about leadership within this chapter. Having seen people do almost anything to get ahead or to pull someone down with leadership or wanting something for nothing for example the gambeling and pokie machines which are throughout the world or the lotto. Many people will pay week after week for lotto in order to win big, yet are they worth that income?, quite often not. Another part of the leadership failures is obtaining power where it was not earnt, that you didn’t physically earn such. History has shown that the children of parents who just give them their fortune are at times ill prepared for such.

When a person is not ready for such they end up losing it all unless they grow quickly. The thing was although I wanted a relationship I was not ready for such until these last few years, I had to still learn to be that person needed to be. I had to become the real me rather than letting the pain continue to run own life. Its been a journey and now the plan need to be made to go meet the inlaws in April. That will be worth it, meeting them in person rather than via Skype.

Rite now I am running on blind faith knowing that in April I will be flying to New Zealand to meet Jenny’s parents officially. The barriers of an expired passport and funds will go away, I will be going and I am refusing to stop this time. I’ve let too many people have their say and stop me rite before own gold. I let others opinions get to me when I was asked am I going to New Zealand for Christmas last year and it stopped me dead in own tracks.

Such has shown me the people who am able to tell goals and dreams to about things and who am unable to tell of such to. That need to keep myself quite about what am working towards unless that person is someone who am able to trust with such and is part of our own mastermind group who will be able to assist with that goal. Those who knock the dreams are wanting to pull you down to their level as they are so unhappy with their own lives. As we’ve often heard misery loves company, now we must plan our way to our successes and work out who our supporters are. Those who truly support us will be there through thick and thin.

They are the ones who know its ok to walk rite into your own home. They are their for you no matter what may happen to you. This is a true friend, who will do anything for you as a person. They support your decisions and plans and give their input when asked. Without such support your plans may be unable to make it off the ground. When you are knocked around and told you cant do that so many times it makes you believe it.

Now its time to work that plan towards New Zealand and to go. I am going and will pay for myself, I am going to find a way and will give mentoring coaching and support to those who need.

Thank you to Michael, Willena and Ken for showing me the path to a better future and to own my life. Thank you to the wonderful mental cleanse participents for your inspiring lessons.

Abundent love, health and hugs

Benjamin Mathew Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 7 Organized Planning for of think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse.

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