A true leader part two

A true leader part two

This post is continued on from yesterdays post true leadership

Ok now every person has their own gauntlet to run. A true leader accepts that, they accept that a person has their own journey and encourage people to walk that journey. Each persons journey is different and there are obstacles which need to be overcome.

The gauntlet is your own negative programming from your own past. I would like to thank Russ Aker for this brilliant lesson on the gauntlet of leadership.

Think & Grow Rich, Chapter 8 – Decisions
The Mastery of Procrastination
The Seventh Step toward Riches
Your Success is a two part word spelled: de-ci-sion + ac-tion.
Success as you Dream it, or accepting a life of
mediocrity is solely based on your “DECISIONS and
This blog is addressed to three groups of people…see if
you can identify where you might fit in one of the three
groups below…don’t skip ahead.
Give what you are about to read some genuine deep
thought. Be honest in your “Decision” to agree or
disagree. But open your MIND and do not let your “want”
to be right influence you. I suggest, just accept the truth
and you will be very close to a correct DECISION.
Most everything we ever wanted but never got or get was
and is due to lack of DECISION.
Think about this. Make a list of your needs and wants.
Here are a couple examples. Maybe you NEED medical
insurance but you can not afford it, maybe you need a new
water heater or a better car because what you have is not
dependable. Make a list of WANTS. Maybe you WANT to
take a trip or you want a big screen TV or a cool new
phone. Can you actually afford this or do you buy it on
credit, putting your needs & wants on credit with non-
recurring income? You strengthen your dependence on a
job and life of servitude.
Now think about how the JOB (your career) whatever you
call it, is it robbing you of time? Think of ways and places
you would rather spend the time. Is your job leaving you
stressed? When you do have time is it quality personal
time, with yourself, family, friends? How do you feel
Sunday mid-day? Do you start stressing about Monday?
How well do you sleep Sunday night, fit-full, wake up
several times…then finally just get up early Monday
morning somewhat sleep deprived and face it again. How
good does Thursday feel realizing tomorrow is ‘TGIF”.
Friday night feels great as you wind down. Cram
everything you can into Saturday and Sunday…Then
Sunday afternoon and evening hits with that sinking feeling
in the pit of your stomach…and it repeats. Have you ever
seen the movie “Groundhogs Day” with Bill Murray? If so,
watch it again. If not it is a must. How many times will you
do it over before you “get-it”, make your Decision add the
Action and do it right?
You keep saying you are going to do something about it.
You keep thinking of scenarios about what you will do.
You even go as far as write them down in a frustrated
Let me tell you what is missing…Two simple things,
Decision, and Action on the Decision. Decision is two part
and the two parts are attached, Decision+Action. If you
make a Decision but do not take Action you are back to
absolutely nothing.
Here is a fact. Better than 97% of people live in the
CIRCLE of the Monday through Sunday cycle I just
described. You may love your vocation but you toil away
at the discretionary mercy of the company you work for
and all the peaks and valleys. Let’s be honest, you’re
freedom of choice is limited…so you continue to struggle
through the days mentally and physically exhausted. The
motivation is fear of loss of job. Thinking your thoughts of
financial freedom and independence is the closest you
come to a Decision to change. You tell yourself,
“Someday”. But someday will never come until you
actually Decide-and-take-Action.
I am talking to “three” groups of people here, those in
NETWORK MARKETING and those in what is known
today as business main-“stream”. The keyword
“STREAM”, where life’s current takes you as it races
through the peaks and valleys. Like a bad dream, you
know you must reach out but feel powerless and unable to
do so, nor do you know where to reach.
Of these groups, we identify a third, 1.) Network marketers
that have made a DECISION+Action & reach solid ground,
2.) Network Marketers that have made a DECISION but no
action, remain on shaky ground, they continue to struggle
& quit, and 3.) Those in business main “STREAM”
struggling in the current, seemingly paralyzed, unable to
reach out. If they could, they wouldn’t know where.
If what you have read here sounds familiar and you would
like to find out more, "reach out" to the person who sent you
this blog. They can help you with the additional information
you need to finally MAKE THAT DECISION. Ask, “WHY”
network marketing (http://tinyurl.com/26gkfbl). Ask
about the Five Pillars of due diligence in Network
Marketing. Just like in the “Main-Stream”, understanding
due diligence in choosing a JOB or starting your own
company is also vital to your success in network marketing
as well. But unlike the Main-Stream you will learn how to
make good Decisions with a personal Coach and Mentor
that has experienced the *gauntlet we call life and career,
survived to be here and reach out to you when you were
paralyzed unable to reach out or on shaky ground,
struggling to hold on…
The key difference between the Main-Stream and Network
Marketing is, unless you help others to succeed first, you
cannot succeed. Your prime directive is the success of
others. For further understanding, read "The Go-Giver".
In the book “Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, you’ll
find a chapter on Autosuggestion. Hill describes
autosuggestion as, “The medium for Influencing the
Subconscious Mind.
Your *gauntlet is overcoming a life full of Autosuggestion by
the nay-Sayers. You can’t do this, you must do that,
that won’t work, get a JOB Bla-Bla-Bla… Now, those that
have “DECIDED” to get involved with network marketing but
continue to struggle or quit are still under the spell of the
nay-Sayers and have not y
et traversed the gauntlet nor have
they actually made a DECISION-to-take-ACTION.
*[gaunt-let \ ‘gont-let, 1. a double file of people facing each
other and armed with ***weapons*** with which to strike at
an individual who is made to run between them.]
You will find lists of the subliminal *weapons used and how
you have been programmed through Autosuggestion by
generally well meaning people and accepted them as part
of your life in Chapter 15, outwitting The Six Ghosts of Fear
in “Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
You can stay in the “Main-Stream” with the 97%, or you
can CHOOSE to take the hand of the individual who
reached out to you and make the DECISION, take the road
less traveled at the side of the stream. It has a great view.
Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon

As Russ states the gauntlet is overcoming those years of negative autosuggestion from naysayers who go. I don’t want you to do that you could end up with something worse. The search engines are going to pick up on your posts for this topic.

Oh you are not promoting your company rite. Bla-bla-bla essentially these people are attempting to drag you down to their level to feel big. They are so unhappy with their own lives and want feel better about themselves, I have seen it all happen in own leadership career and I was listening to it all. I was unable to know the difference.

In order to stop this from happening Russ points out that we need to change our mindset and run our own gauntlet, we must reprogram our own minds with positive things. We must do personal development, there are people out there who say I love it yet do they do the personal development. Hmm…. Some people have stopped for some reason, oh I just am unable to find the time. bla-bla-bla.

You see some people love to have control of others, they love to tell them what to do and what not to do. They love the corporate side of things which doesn’t work within network marketing, they say you need to be here. Dress in a suit, they will go be on time, you don’t need to wear shorts to a meeting. Comeon it’s that persons own business, when they are comfortable in shorts let them stay in such.

When they are comfortable in their pyjamas let them do their business in such. Personally it’s a teeshirt and shorts during summer, jeans and a jacket during winter. Now that is who I am as its easiest for me to wear such. Each person has their own preferences to dress and what they enjoy wearing and doing as a person.

In network marketing leadership you are unable to control anyone. It’s a volunteer army, when you want to control people its gonna blow up rite in your own face. As my mentor Michael Dlouhy has said many times greed and ego are your two biggest challenges in network marketing. Yet the thing is those who want to control others have such a big ego as a person. They love the power.

We must each face our own gauntlet weather its fear of ridicule for finally owning our own lives and doing whatever we want. Weather its fearing our family, weather its saying hey you are unable to deter me now. Its also finding those supporters who you know will be behind you at all times saying you can do this, good on you.

In order to succeed in life you have to face this gauntlet and say I am going and I will do this. For me I am going to do this.

Your comments and feedback are important to me. What are your thoughts?

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