Chapter 15 How to outwit the 6 ghosts of fear

Chapter 15 How to outwit the 6 ghosts of fear

This is a chapter that have needed to work on personally a bit as a lot of fears were holding me back, from criticism, losing someone who I loved, poverty, ill health. All of which had run my life for many years. Relationships were hard owing to so much fear in me and being unable to remember what was greatful for as a person.

Today I was getting up before my girlfriend was and was scared about disturbing her and being able to still do my morning routine. I was heading to gym to do a workout whist my girlfriend had a day off and was sleeping in. Something that has been rare to happen personally, for me finding a way to work around such and do such without disturbing her showed me that my fears of relationships which were so inground are nothing.

I have been working on scuh for a while now conquring each of these fears and letting them take less and less hold on my life. Yet at the same time whist I have become stronger I have found that these fears no longer have as much hold over me. That have gone from a guy who was petrified of people owing to so much pain from caring about people to finding a way work around a situation. It has been through self talk that has allowed me to become stronger as a person.

Also through expressing what is going on and saying look this is whats happening for me right now and I have to deal with it. Yes there are fears that are still hanging around and these will need work to overcome. Yet I have been able to walk away from so many of these fears which held me back for many years now.

Thank you to Michael, willena, ken for inspiration guidance and love, thank you to the mental cleanse communite for your inspiring lessons.

Abundent love,

Ben Drake,

Mona Vale NSW Australia

Lesson plan from on chapter for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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