Willena Flewelling (Pt.2) – a lesson from our departed friend, Sarah Thompson

Willena Flewelling (Pt.2) – a lesson from our departed friend, Sarah Thompson

Many of you will remember Sarah Thompson, an awesome mentor who passed
away last December just before Christmas. This is a lesson plan she wrote four
years ago, and shared on a mental cleanse call. It is a powerful lesson that
had such a huge impact on me when I listened to it this morning, that I wanted
to share it with everyone.
Sarah Thompson wrote:
Whoa! Another set of Aha moments! More like Aha hours! Listen to this. “
“The thirteenth principle is known as the SIXTH SENSE, through which Infinite
Intelligence may, and will communicate voluntarily, without any effort from, or
demands by, the individual. This principle is the apex of the philosophy.”
This little paragraph now holds such significance for me. I can voluntarily,
without effort, communicate with what Mr Hill describes as infinite intelligence.
How can I master this? I asked myself each time I read this chapter.
Well, first I had to learn to dream again. To see, in my mind, my achieving the
life I’ve always wanted.
Why have I never quite got here before? What stopped me 3 ft from the gold?
I did! I listened to OPP — other people’s programming. I let their thoughts
become my thoughts, their beliefs become my beliefs. I stopped dreaming.
Once I stopped the chatter, and reintroduced me to me, the dreams started.
Once the dreams started my imagination woke up, just like Rip van Winkle
awakening from a 20 year nap.
My imagination fires my visualization. I now see myself living the reality I’ve
always desired, but until now has been a fleeting image in my mind. I was
unable to grasp it firmly, unable to believe it could ever come true. Today
when my little voice speaks it sounds as if she’s using a megaphone. She will
not ever again be denied existence. She will never again be shut out. I listen
and the opportunities are brought to me. My desires are my reality.
The starting point of all achievement is desire. How can there be any doubt
in my mind that I need to have clarity of thought as to what it is I desire?
Mr. Hill again and again has made the point that the key to achieving one’s
goal is to have a burning desire to ignite the passion within us to move us
from a state of merely wishing, to one in which our actions bring about the
desired goal.
Were I not able to imagine this I would not be able to visualize it. Were I not
able to visualize my desires I would not be able to achieve them. Wow, I am
so happy I let my imagination run wild!
How can I have passion without imagination?
Simple. I can’t.
How can I have clarity of thought if I am stifling my imagination?
Simple. I can’t.
How can I resolve issues, resolve doubts if I refuse to listen to my inner voice,
my sixth sense?
Simple. I can’t.
How can I achieve that which I do not allow myself to dream of?
Simple. I can’t.
My dreams and imagination are the fuel that stokes my imagination, raises
the passions that I possess to achieve my burning desire.
How? Simple. I can see it.
If I can see a point off in the distance, walking there is easy — just do it.
And to imagine, this began because one man said, “Sarah, I will believe in
you until you believe in yourself.” He told me, I will never give up on you.”
My children are the only ones who ever, prior to Michael and Linda, had
unconditional belief in me. Theirs, Michael and Linda’s belief, was not based
on what I had done. It was simply based on what they knew I was capable
of achieving once I learned to believe in me.
All I had to do — a simple step — is make the choice to believe in me! Easy
to do. And you know, easy not to do. This is a step I now take every morning.
In this chapter on the sixth sense, our use of the creative imagination, Hill
explains that this is the point of contact between the mind of man and the
universal mind of intelligence.
Thank you, Michael and Linda!
Your friend,
Sarah Thompson

Lesson plan from Willena Flewelling (Pt.2) – a lesson from our departed friend, Sarah Thompson on chapter 14 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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