Willena Flewelling

Willena Flewelling – Alberta Canada

CHAPTER 14: The Sixth Sense
My fifth baby was born at the break of dawn on the first day of summer. As
the day wore on, I could feel him getting warmer and warmer, till he felt quite
hot to my touch. The nurses thought I was worrying over nothing.
He was a big baby, over 12 lbs., but the nurses kept him wrapped in a warm
blanket as if he were 5 lbs. I unwrapped him every chance I got, but would
wrap him up quickly every time a nurse came by, because I knew I would get
in trouble with them if they knew I was unwrapping him.
Late in the afternoon, someone took his temperature — and next thing we
knew we were in an ambulance, enroute for the city an hour away. They
thought he had sepsis, or blood poisoning from aspirating amniotic fluid. They
put him in the NICU, where he was poked and prodded and put on an IV. He
wasn’t allowed to breastfeed again till he was three days old.
The tests came back negative and they proclaimed him a healthy baby boy.
Their conclusion? He was such a big baby that he was too well padded.
Newborns do not sweat, and he had no way of releasing his excess body
heat, so his temperature soared.  
Fast forward nine years to the birth of my youngest. He was also big, over
9 lbs. A month later they discovered he weighed a whole pound less than he
did at birth. That sent them into a tailspin, and we were subjected to regular
visits from the public health nurses, who came to our home and weighed and
measured him. For seven months they invaded our privacy and made me feel
like a second rate mother. Why? Because my perfectly healthy baby boy did
not gain weight as quickly as they thought he should. They wanted to stick
him with the label “Failure to Thrive”, but they couldn’t because he was
developing very well in every way except that he gained only a few ounces
a week.
I knew there was nothing wrong with him, just as I knew his older brother
just needed to cool off! WHY do nurses and doctors think their medical
education is everything, and mother’s instinct is nothing??
As I relate these stories, I wonder how many other times in my life I have
lost myself as I allow the “experts” to dictate to how I should think and act.
We live in a time when there are far too many “experts” out there, and many
of them are spouting head knowledge or theory, and have no experience of
their own to draw upon. It’s time to get to know ourselves by quieting the
chatter in our minds and learning HOW to think, not WHAT to think. We need
to learn from those who have gone before us and are currently doing what
we want to be doing. The voice of experience trumps the voice of theory or
Thank you, Michael and Linda and our other awesome mentors in Mentoring
For Free, for being our voice of experience!
Willena Flewelling
Alberta Canada

Lesson plan from Willena Flewelling on chapter 14 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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