Willena Flewelling

Willena Flewelling – Alberta Canada

CHAPTER 12: The Subconscious Mind
I learned a new word yesterday. My cousin, a chiropractor, posted a picture
on Facebook, of his back yard under a foot of new snow. Someone commented
that snow shoveling is a “subluxation waiting to happen”. Later, I heard that
SAME word on a video of the Bones TV program, where they talk a lot about
skeletons. Curious, I looked up the definition of the word, and wondered why
on earth they couldn’t just say “partial dislocation of a joint” instead of that
big long complicated word I had to look up?
My real point here is that I had never heard that word before, and now I’d
heard it twice in one day from two very different sources. Why?
It was my RAS, or Reticular Activating System.
And what, pray tell, is that? You may well ask.
What happens when you have a burning desire for a particular kind of car,
or better still, you have just bought that car of your dreams? Suddenly the
streets are full of that kind of car.
I know when I was a young mom, every time I had a new baby my world
was full of young moms with new babies.
Another interesting thing has happened to me over the past three months.
Our pastor was away for a while due to health concerns, so we have had
a total of four different men preaching on Sundays. These men did not get
their heads together and decide on a particular topic to speak on. They all
spoke on different themes. And yet, the underlying theme was the same
each time, for ME. “Find out what God wants you to do, and find a way to
do it.” More and more I am gaining clarity on what He wants me to do, and
it is helping to clear the confusion and settle the feeling of chaos I have
had for so long. There are still unanswered questions, but this one thing I
know — He wants me to write. So I don’t have to feel guilty about taking
time to do it, and I don’t have to worry about the results. All I have to do
is — write!
In each of these examples I’ve given, my subconscious showed me something
because I was looking for it, whether I realized it or not.
I’m reminded of another story, of a little boy who was plagued with guilt
because he stole a chicken from the missionary. Someone else knew he had
stolen it, and blackmailed the little guy till he was almost consumed with guilt
and fear. Until one day, when his tormentor came and threatened him yet
again, and he said, “I’m not afraid of you any more, because this morning I
went and told the missionary what I did and he has forgiven me.”
In my own experience the SAME thoughts impulses can affect me negatively
or positively, depending on what I do with them. If it’s something I need to
do, but I keep putting it off, it will weigh heavily on me until I finally do what
I need to do. Then those same thoughts have no effect on me, or else they
have turned to positive because I am so relieved and glad I did it.
This is why it is so important to stay in the positive emotions. They will spark
your Reticular Activating System in a very positive way. How do I know that?
Because positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same
time, and whichever one dominates is the one that will attract to you what
is in accordance with it.
So, use this to your advantage. Use it to help you think outside the box and
find better ways of building your business. Use it to help you overcome fear
or other obstacles that stand in your way.
Willena Flewelling
Alberta Canada

Lesson plan from Willena Flewelling on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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