Willena Flewelling

Willena Flewelling – Alberta Canada

CHAPTER 11:  Transmutation
“Sex transmutation is simple and easily explained. It means the switching of
the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other
nature.”  ~ a quote from Napoleon Hill
November is National Novel Writing Month, affectionately known to participants
as NaNoWriMo. A wonderful, crazy time of literary abandon, when some of my
children and I work our fingers off writing at least 50000 words of fiction. A
time of driving to the city for as many of the Edmonton Wrimos events as we
The wrap up party is the first Saturday night in December. Three years ago,
Dec. 5, 2009, was memorable in ways we didn’t even know when it was
Two families… three vehicles… and we were off to the city. It didn’t matter
who went in which vehicle, since we were all friends… parents and children.
Several members of each family had participated in NaNoWriMo. Some had
reached the 50000 word goal. Others had not. Some hadn’t even participated
at all. But all of us headed for the city in the early afternoon, planning on
making a day of it.
We all went to a restaurant for lunch, and pulled several tables together to
make one long one. A dozen of us made for a noisy party of people cutting
up and having a great time. We had various stops to make before our evening
Our son James didn’t come to the NaNoWriMo party. He took the two little
boys to McDonalds, then shopping, and then took them home.
It was a wonderful day spent with friends, doing what we all enjoyed doing.
It was also the last time our friends saw James, because it was one week
later that he was taken from us in a highway accident.
November is still National Novel Writing Month, and my family still participates.
But I’ll never forget the shock I experienced the following year, when we
geared up for NaNoWriMo and attended the events. During some panicky
moments I wondered if I could separate the triggers from the events.
So how did I do it? And how do I do it every year when this season rolls
around? The answer is in this chapter.
Mr. Hill puts the desire for sex expression at the top of the list of ten mind
stimuli. He doesn’t even list the agony grief at all, so I’m not sure where it
would fit. But in my experience, it has been a tremendous exercise in switching
from negative to positive. James used to catch me up when I spoke of my
inadequacies, and when I started to get too negative he would push me
toward action. I could have let his death mark the end of my November writing,
because of the painful memories. Instead I think of how James would have
been proud to see me continue with it and move toward my goal of being a
many-times published author in the future. In the past I have locked up my
passion for writing, burying it under the burdens of life with a growing family
of small children. It didn’t work. It was not emotionally healthy. 
Michael often tells us how he goes to his perfect moment, or his perfect day,
when things around him turn negative. It doesn’t matter what the circumstance
is. What matters is that we do what Michael does. Go to your perfect day.
Never let the present circumstances spoil your day, even when it seems to be
intricately interwoven with something sad or bad. Today is today, not yesterday
or last week or a year ago or three years ago. Don’t let the past keep you from
pursuing your dreams. Don’t die with your music in you.
Willena Flewelling
Alberta Canada
P.S. I’m sure I will be reminded of this in another way in the next few weeks.
My girls, Raewyn and Vicki, are returning to Japan for a two-and-a-half week
vacation. This time they are taking my youngest, Nathaniel, with them. Nathaniel
is 13, but he is still my baby. If he weren’t going with his dependable and
trustworthy big sisters, I would be a quivering mass of nerves right now. But
he is in capable hands, and when I start to worry, I switch to thoughts of
what a wonderfully exciting and enlightening experience this will be for Nathaniel…
a memory he will treasure for the rest of his life. I will also treasure in my heart
my wonderful girls, who are 24 and almost 26, and have been scrimping and saving
for a whole year so they could pay the way for their 13-year-old brother to go to
Japan with them. It’s not every mother who can say that of their grown single
daughters. I feel truly blessed.

Lesson plan from Willena Flewelling on chapter 11 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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