Uwe Wagner

Uwe Wagner – Oldenburg, Germany

Subconscious Mind
Do you remember the fairy tales from your childhood?
Of course you do. There are plenty of.
Oh, I am especially referring to those dealing with a Lady Bountiful or a genie in a bottle granting us three wishes to be fulfilled. I really liked those stories and as a child I was prepared for the very moment, having my top three wishes already well formulated.
But nothing happened. Nobody ever appeared asking me for them.
Really? Can I be sure of that?
Of course I have learnt to be rational, to distinguish between a fairy tale and the seriousness of reality. But can it be I have missed something?
Looking back to my life some really remarkable coincidences happened or shall I say some wishes have become reality? Well, sometimes I wouldn’t call them wishes, rather apprehensions or worries. So obviously it works both ways.
But something really flattened me when I thought about it later on and gave me creeps when I read this book. Either I could predict the future quite precise or the “mechanisms” mentioned by Hill really work.
In Summer 96 my long term relationship to a woman came to an end. It really struck me hard. This wasn’t only because we had made so many plans for our future, for our family we wanted to have. At that time I was in my early thirties and all of my friends already having a family, something I always dreamt of. Now I felt like my dream was perished, because I would be unable to find a woman to start a family with.
Yes, it was fear that was gnawing at me. It came to my mind that either the woman would be “too old” (until we finally would get married) to have kids or the difference in age between the two of us would be too big to give the marriage a chance of survival. And on, and on, and on…
So, giving up? – Never!
Thus I went out together with friends and also started something I called a direct search. This included also the lonely hearts column, just to silence my consciousness by having done everything possible. When planning all this I imagined it would take me a full year to be successful.
For a year nothing really moved. Plenty of acquaintances but nothing that caused heartthrob. Depressing.
Exactly one year later – I mean exactly, ritht to the date – my subconscious delivered with an unbelievingly high precision.
It struck me unprepared!
It all started with a response to one of my adverts and I called back (if it was only not to blame myself afterwards of not having done so) and the call lasted more than five times as long as any phone call in my life before!
We arranged to meet the next day and it was (how it says in Sleepless in Seattle?) like magic. My dream became true. We got married in less than a year and she as well as four wonderful kids enrich my life now.
While talking (we still enjoy spending an evening talking to have everything settled what may have happened during the day) we found out we could have met half a year earlier and just missed by a “coincidence”. With all that I am knowing today I could have shortened my suffering, by simply set a much earlier date to make it happen.
What an insight!
Thus I have learnt it really can make a difference and its wise to guard my thoughts and emotions. The genie will deliver, for the good or for the bad.
I for myself have a strong intention, no, a commitment to learn how to control my imagination and my emotions to carefully select my wishes I present to the Lady Bountiful alias subconscious mind.
In gratefulness and expectation

Lesson plan from Uwe Wagner on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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