Tuula Rands

Tuula Rands, British Columbia, Canada

Chaper 14 – The Sixth Sense
Hill writes “This chapter on the sixth sense was included, because this book
is designed for the purpose of presenting a complete philosophy
by which individuals may unerringly guide themselves in attaining
whatever they ask of life. The starting point of all achievement is
desire.  The finishing point is that brand of KNOWLEDGE which
leads to understanding – understanding of self, understanding
of others, understanding of the laws of Nature, recognition and
understanding of HAPPINESS.
We have all come to this “mental cleanse” process because we
were looking for help in our Network Marketing Business.  Some
of us were told “We need the Mental Cleanse more than we need
oxygen.”  With that we began the process of reading “Think & Grow
Rich” each week and submitting our lessons.
We had a desire. For most, if not all, that desire was to make a
certain amount of money.  In order to make this money and build
our business we used “Success in 10 Steps” as our lead to find people
to talk to who could eventually become partners with us in our business.
This became our “Agenda”.
As we went through the process we learned that we had to get rid of
the “Agenda” and we truly wanted to help these people whether they
ever became partners or not.  Getting rid of “Agenda” is a huge step
because it is something we don’t necessarily recognize in ourselves.
We learn to love ourselves so that we can learn to love others.  This takes
getting to know ourselves by getting rid of the fears we have allowed others
and circumstances to influence us by and by what we allowed our
subconscious mind to accept.
We are now ready to accept the fact that we are responsible for what
happens in our lives.  We live in the “Now”.  We don’t live in the past
and we don’t dwell in the future.    We have opportunities made available
to us all the time.
We are by this time ready and have the confidence in ourselves to be
able to accept the value of the sixth sense with its “flashes, hunches
or inspirations” and trust in it.
We are ready to understand and accept happiness.   It is not money. 
It is not material things.  It is not selfish.  It is confidence in helping,
giving and sharing with a caring attitude.
Happiness is a state of mind. 
Tuula Rands

Lesson plan from Tuula Rands on chapter 14 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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