Tuula Rands

Tuula Rands, British Columbia, Canada

Chapter 13 – The Brain
The brain is a broadcasting and a receiving station for thought.
This tells me that no matter what kind of interaction we have
whether we watch, listen and/or speak we retain all or parts
of the interaction in our subconscious minds.
The more energy, interest and participation we put into the
activity, the retention of that thought or feeling becomes a
part of us. We store it in our subconscious mind and most Of
the time we don’t even realize it is still there until something
happens and it just “clicks” and brings back a memory.
On our live leads calls Michael asks “How did you feel” when
we listened to the interaction on the call. There is broadcasting
and receiving going on at that same time. We get a positive
feeling or we get a negative feeling.
When we call someone who had downloaded the e-book we
are a broadcasting and a receiving station with that person.
When we watch the news on television or listen to the news
on the radio we are a receiving station.
When we watch a movie or a show on television we are
a receiving station picking up on the thoughts being projected
to us.
How do we handle all these situations that influence us?
Do we accept all we hear and see whether it is tangible or
On the 30 day Mental Cleanse we are learning how to think,
not what to think.
We are being taught how to use our minds, our brains, our
broadcasting and receiving stations to think for ourselves and
accept only the things that will be a positive in our lives and
reject the negatives. This takes practice and we don’t do this
perfectly all the time.
The good news is that we are learning to do it better and better
the longer we stay plugged in and the more we practice, practice,
Tuula Rands

Lesson plan from Tuula Rands on chapter 13 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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