Shanique Gibbon

Shanique Gibbon,Jamaica

The subconscious mind, the connecting link to infinite intelligence. The Subconscious mind is always working whether we are asleep or awake. When we are awake the subconscious mind picks up on thought vibration around us whether it is positive or negative. Likewise when we are asleep it picks up on vibration from the spiritual realm , this is evident most times in the form of dreams / visions as w may dream about things we know nothing of or things we thought about longtime ago that has been hidden way in our subconscious mind.
The good thing about all this is that we can influence the types of thought vibration our subconscious mind receive by autosuggestion. Forming the habit of telling ourselves something positive each minute of the day, this can be done with our self talk which should be positive, practical and present tense.  Take for example myself talk. Each day I tell myself that:
   ‘’ I am having so much fun building my network marketing business. I am doing this by   changing the way I think, talk and act.’’
Now this constantly in my subconscious mind. Most of the time I have a positive flow of thoughts in my mind, one leading to the next. So when I wake  in the morning, as soon as I am up these words  play  back in and forth in my mind , am constantly reminded each  day to have fun , guard my thoughts : by feeding my mind with positivity , guard my action and thee  words I speak.
When someone is arguing with me and even when am frustrated myself talk plays in my mind faster and faster. If it wasn’t for the constant reminder of what I want to achieve through myself talk I would probably be mad on the streets right now.
The bottom line the subconscious mind is a powerful and important so make effort to control what reaches it. We can do this by filling our mind with positive emotions. These emotions are:
1.   Desire:  a burning desire can give you the push you need to constantly think of ways to get what you want out of life through positivity.
2.   Faith:  Believing in yourself and your dreams and remind yourself that you do. But don’t forget that having faith means working too.
3.   Sex:  Apply the principle of sex transmutation and redirect your sex energy into a work of art.
4.   Enthusiasm: be enthused about what you are doing if you are not, it really makes no sense.
5.   Romance:  You must desire whatsoever it is that you want so much so that you feel it in your heart, soul, body and mind.
6.   Hope: Never lose hope, where there is a will there is a way.
     Use these positive emotions as the ultimate force, to shun negativity. And remember in order to make more we must become more- Michael Dloughy , it all starts with the mind.

Lesson plan from Shanique Gibbon on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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