Russ Aker

Russ Aker, Portland, OR, USA

Chapter14.  The Sixth Sense
The Thirteenth Step toward Riches
The Sixth Sense is that portion of the Subconscious
Mind which has been referred to as the Creative
Imagination, the receiving set of The Brain.  We
understand it as the place where ideas, hunches
and inspirations flash into our mind.
To more fully understand, tap into and utilize the
sixth sense one must come to understand the other
principles Napoleon Hill writes about in Think & Grow
Rich.  One can not read this book once and think
they have mastered what Hill is trying to relate. 
You cannot read it, say wow, that was a good book
and then recommend it to a friend; no, you MUST
study it if you really want to master what Hill is
talking about.
At “Mentoring for Free”, in the forum we call The 30-
Day Mental Cleanse; we study the principles of this
book.  I personally have participated in this study
for over a year.  I am approaching my fifth set of
fifteen repetitions of this powerful philosophy.  For
those of you who perform physical exercise and lift
some weights to maintain reasonable body strength
you will understand the power of maintaining
healthy muscle tone by a moderate regime of
lifting weights through sets and reps in maintaining
good health.  The same is true for your mind.  Re-
reading the book and practicing the principles. 
Sets, Reps…Read Book, Practice Principles, again,
again and again…
Hill says, After you have mastered the principles
described in this book, you will be prepared to
accept as truth a statement which may, otherwise,
be incredible to you, namely:  Through the aid of
the sixth sense, you will be warned of impending
dangers in time to avoid them, and notified of
opportunities in time to embrace them.  There
comes to your aid, and to do your bidding, with the
development of the sixth sense, a “guardian angel”
who will open to you at all times the door to the
Temple of Wisdom. Whether or not this is a
statement of truth, you will never know, except by
following the instructions described in the pages of
this book, or some similar method of procedure.
I am coming to find that by this study what Hill
states in the previous paragraph is in fact truth. 
Mentoring for Free was developed using the 13
principles of this philosophy as its foundation.  I
have come to find that by “working to place these
very principles into my life for my personal growth,
the side affect has been the development and
growth of my network marketing business.
The basis for the following five laws found in the
book, “The Go Giver” written by Bob Berg and John
David Mann is rooted in the twelve principles
preceding this chapter on the “Sixth Sense”, they
Your true worth is determined by
How much more you give in value than you take in payment.
Your income is determined by
How many people you serve and how well you serve them.
Your influence is determined by
How abundantly you place other people’s interests first.
The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.
The key to effective giving is to stay open to receptivity.
Hill says no matter whom you are or your purpose
for reading this book, your success in manifesting
your desire into its physical equivalent is not
incumbent on understanding this chapter on the
“Sixth Sense”.  You can profit by the wisdom of the
other 12 principles if you are willing to let their
influence stimulate your Imagination and Desire.
This chapter is offered so you have a better
understanding of where the other chapters will
guide you.  The full understanding only comes with
the familiarity and use of the sixth sense.  As I
mention earlier in this review (paragraph three), Hill
says “repeat” this from time to time giving no concern
to how much or how little you learn at a time and
eventually you will find yourself in possession of a
power that will help you throw off discouragement,
master fear, and procrastination and draw freely on
your imagination.
Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon

Lesson plan from Russ Aker on chapter 14 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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