Russ Aker

Russ Aker, Portland, OR, USA

Chapter13. The Brain
The Brain is the physical communication device (computer
if you will) between one’s conscious, reasoning mind and
the four sources (Chapter 10) from which one may receive
stimuli that produces creative thought.
Think about the times that creative ideas just seem to flow
to you. At those times we never seem to have a way to
record our thoughts. We repeat them frantically to
ourselves in an effort to remember. When we’re finally
able to write them down we scratch our heads in an
attempt to recall. We are lucky if we remember
anything…they seem to have passed in the moment. The
quick lesson here is, be prepared to capture them when
they occur. Additionally, next time this happens notice
your feelings, your excitement. Hill says when your
thought process is stepped up to a high rate of vibration
your mind becomes more receptive to positive creative or
negative thought.
Negative thought is caused by stepped up negative
emotions causing negative action. We are all familiar
with this. It seems human nature is naturally responsive to
negative thought causing negative emotion, producing
negative results. Here is the good news; we can put this in
check by being awake to the moment and “STOP IT”.
We can “Create” positive emotion producing positive
thought, creating positive results. The difference, it
requires conscious EFFORT on our part, it does not come
naturally. Hill talks about creating this positive energy for
and within ourselves in the chapter on Autosuggestion.
Hill suggests that this vibration and thought energy can
be carried by the “ether” from one person to another.
They are the thoughts stepped up by any of the major
emotions. It is passed from one to another by the
broadcasting and receiving machinery of the brain.
For those who doubt this, here is proof that it is true.
Think about it like this. Have you ever walked into a room
and immediately felt the excitement and positive energy, or
walked into a room and felt an overwhelming negative
mood? We all have. Without anyone saying a thing just
the feeling in the room without any verbalization can cause
us a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, fear and hesitation
or a feeling of warmth, optimism and enthusiasm.
If you mix negative emotional thoughts, by default they’ll
pass to your subconscious mind, the sending station of the
brain and be broadcast out unwittingly to those around
you. If unchecked, you carry this like a virus and
broadcast it wherever you go. Now, apply this idea to any
lack of faith and success you have had in network
marketing. Negative thoughts and feelings will bring about
negative results regardless of what you verbalize to your
prospects…they will feel your dread, fear and lack of “Faith”.
In this chapter Hill gives another example of how a “Mastermind”
group can be effective. The group comes together, states
the nature of the problem or objective, and begins discussing
it. You start contributing thoughts that randomly occur to
you. You will actually start contributing thought outside your
realm of experience.
I absolutely believe this to be true. When I purchased my first
computer in 1994, I would come up with thoughts about
what I could create. Thoughts that I had no knowledge of
or ever considered before. I new then, that if an idea occurred
to me it had already occurred to someone else. I
additionally felt it was probably something that had been
developed. All I had to do is find the source of the original
information…and I did. I was like a sponge. A random
thought occurred; I would check for a source and find my
answer. For more information on this idea read, Imagination,
Creative and Synthetic, the Fifth Step Toward Riches Chapter 6.
This very concept is what led me to the book, Success in
10 Steps, Mentoring for Free and finally the 5 key
standards of Due Diligence for network marketing These 5 key
standards helped me understand why my current lack of success (as
I understand success could be in network marketing) was
not my fault and gave me a blueprint of how to build an
alliance of support and education that has been
foundational in my business.
Russ Aker
Portland, OR

Lesson plan from Russ Aker on chapter 13 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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