Russ Aker

Russ Aker, Portland, Oregon, USA

Chapter 12.  The Subconscious Mind
The Connecting Link
The Subconscious Mind is the storehouse, the filing
cabinet for every impulse of thought and feeling that has
come to it through all our six (6) senses, regardless of their
nature, regardless of whether we even want them stored
or not.
You may voluntarily plant anything into your subconscious
yourself.  Quite often we voluntarily place unneeded
thoughts there out of our anger doubt and fear.  If you will
be open and honest with yourself you’ll realize you have
been doing this all your life
You can also voluntarily plant thoughts with positive
meaningful purpose.  Our subconscious acts first on the
dominating thoughts that have been mixed with emotion
and feeling.
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to be angry, to doubt
your ability, to think that others can be successful at
Network Marketing “but not me”, to be fearful of making
contact with a prospect and worse not following up once
you have, procrastination and more…This type of thought
activity is infused with emotion and feeling.
Have you ever noticed how all these thoughts and feelings
seem like they just show up and take no effort to think or
feel…I can tell you this, it is a natural occurrence, it does not
take effort but it does “take”, robs us of our power.  It is
our nature because it is what we have been taught
generation after generation and what we will pass on if we
do not stop it here.  We can stop it; it does not matter our
age.  We can pass on a new legacy of thought and
manifest our desires to offer proof.  We do not have to
show and tell.  We just have to do.
The question is, “If this is true, then what can I do?”
Napoleon Hill tells us in this chapter, “we cannot entirely
control our subconscious mind, but we can voluntarily hand
over to it any plan, desire, or purpose which we wish
transformed into concrete form.  Read, again the
instructions for using the subconscious mind, in the
chapter on autosuggestion.
Once you understand the subconscious mind and the
possibility of this medium transmuting your personal
desires into their physical equivalent you will begin to
understand the chapter on “Desire” and the “SIX STEPS”
listed in that chapter necessary to develop the burning
desire, the passion and emotion required to cause you to
persist in your quest.
Hill says the thirteen principles will help you acquire the
ability to reach and influence your subconscious mind.  He
goes on to say, “do not be discouraged if you cannot do
this on your first attempt.  You have not had time to master
“Faith” be patient.”
Most people in network marketing have read “Think &
Grow Rich”.  I ask almost every contact I make in this
industry if they have, and almost to a person the reply is,
“Yes, I read that ONCE.”  Hill states in another chapter it
might require that you read these principles several times.
You need to feed your mind daily, just like your body.  You
don’t eat healthy food just once and call it good, thinking it
will sustain your body, no, you feed it several times daily. 
Nor can you read these thirteen principles once and think it
will sustain the necessary elements of your mind to propel
you to manifest your hearts desire.  You must feed your
“Mind” daily.
At “Mentoring for Free” among our ten free live interactive
skills calls and personal mentoring we study the Thirteen
Principles of Think & Grow Rich.  Participants of the book
study write a personal review of their lesson learned
regarding the weekly chapter and principle.  We voluntarily
post this to our forum and share our thoughts live and
interactive several times a week.  This is called a Master
Mind group, Principle 9 chapter 10.  Maybe the most
amazing thing I’ve found is the only cost for this and the
personal mentoring I receive is my time to participate.
I discovered this forum, first by reading the book “Success
in 10 Steps” written by network marketing legend Michael
Dlouhy.  I contacted the person who shared the book with
me and the results of this relationship to my personal
growth and prosperity have been extraordinary.
Just remember, your subconscious mind does not stay
idle, you must tend it, plant the thoughts you want in it and
weed out the others.  The following YouTube video link
titled “Stop It” by comedian Bob Newhart will give you a
simple unique and genuine idea of how to take control
back.  It is entertaining, humorous but ever so true (copy & paste to your browser).
As a network marketer you are trying to take control of
your life rather than be controlled be sources outside of
you.  To do so you must prepare yourself to control your
inner audience.  You must understand the method of
approach.  You must speak its language Hill says.
“The negatives voluntarily inject themselves into the
thought impulses, which insure passage into the
Subconscious Mind.  The “Positives MUST be Injected”,
through the principle of Auto-Suggestion, into the thought
impulses which an individual wishes to pass on to their
subconscious mind.”
That’s how it works!
Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon

Lesson plan from Russ Aker on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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