Mark Michael, Yucaipa, CA

Mark Michael, Yucaipa, CA

I really like this line and can so relate to it; “Through the aid of the sixth sense, you will be warned of impending dangers in time to avoid them, and notified of opportunities in time to embrace them.”
The way I see this happening to me on a regular basis is as I stay present in the moment, either through mediation or awareness (quieted mind) it places me in a space to be open to receive from the universe. It also places the people and situations in front of me for my growth on a regular basis.
I was on a phone call with someone recently who was really pushing me on her online business opportunity and by the time I finally ended the call (had to tell her we were wasting our time at this point as I had no interest in what she was sharing) my stomach was knotting up. This to me was on of those warnings that proceeding with the call wasn’t going to be beneficial to me.
On the other side of the coin I was talking to a new friend who had just downloaded the eBook (as we finished up our call) and the connection we had by the end of the call was really strong. I was able to see how much alike we think. (can’t wait to get him moving on the rest of the system)
Knowing what I know to this point, I feel this last of the 13 principles is by far the most powerful and the one I seek to master. As previously stated it takes all of the preceding principles to pave the way for this final one. I will persist in attaining it.
Mark A. Michael

Lesson plan from Mark Michael on chapter 14 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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