Mark Michael

Mark Michael, Yucaipa, CA

After 52 years of strictly using my brain to try and solve all my problems with limited success in certain areas I am looking forward to tapping into the areas of my brain that have been less used. This chapter talks about Telepathy and Clairvoyance and how the brain can be trained to learn these new types of skills. I am looking at these skills as not how to use them as parlor tricks but in how to enrich my life.
From what I’ve read, both in this book and others is these brain skills are really nothing more than a highly tuned sense of intuition and the feeling of the flow of energy around us. Like any skill it is something which will take repetition in order to grow the ability.
I was thinking of just some of the ways to use these little used abilities throughout my day. I see this as an opportunity to bring added value to whatever I am doing.
When I have a list of people to follow up with I can use these skills to help me to decide who to call off of my list. Rather than just start at the top and work to the bottom like I would normally do. I take the time to get quiet through meditation then think about my goal (purpose) for making the calls and ask for guidance on who is ready to hear whatever message I am sharing. I have begun having success when I call this way, the people I talk to are open and available to talk and I am not coming in contact with as many people who are only looking to promote their opportunity to me. I have noticed the quality of calls has vastly improved.
I think back on many of the Mentoring For Free calls, especially on Saturdays when listening to Michael and how he interacts with people. It is obvious to me he is someone who has learned to use these skills in how he ask questions and interacts with people. The conversations will usually go much deeper than when we ask more standard type of questions.
There are three coffee hangouts in the town I live in. I usually spend time in any of them as I have met a number of new friends or associates at them. Using the power of the brain I can let that guides me to the one to head to, to be spontaneous and know I will run into the perfect person that way. To not get into the routine of well it is Tuesday so that is Starbucks day.
There are so many ways, many of them totally untapped opened to us. The brain is a marvelous tool we can learn to use in new and creative ways when we stay open to regular learning.
Mark A. Michael

Lesson plan from Mark Michael on chapter 13 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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