Margi Starr

Margi Starr, Springfield, Ohio

Chapter 14–The Sixth Sense
Sometimes you know that you know that you know.  Even if it doesn’t make sense.
Throughout our lifetimes there are those divine appointments that occur for which there is no human explanation.   It’s not pure luck nor is it simply an accident.
I believe it’s by Divine Design. 
Some call it Infinite Intelligence or Higher Power.
I prefer to call it God. 
In His Infinite Wisdom, God placed within Man the ability to connect through the power of the Sixth Sense.  It wasn’t enough that He gave us Ears to listen, Eyes to see, Hands to Touch, Tongues to Taste, and Nostrils to Breathe.  He loved us so much that He gave us the amazing ability to hear His voice, sometimes at the most unexpected times or places.
Sometimes we don’t even realize that He is working until much later on.
Such was the case when I met my husband thirty-one years ago.  We had a mutual friend who set us up on a blind date despite our scores of reasons why we were perfectly content in our individual and single lives.  Vicki was persistent and we both finally agreed to let her “fix us up.”
I can still see Ray walking down the concrete path to my house; but never in a million years would I have guessed that inside of four months, we’d be walking down a wedding aisle.
You see, I knew that I knew that I knew within a few weeks that God was at work in my life in a pretty big way. 
We know that thoughts are things.  Across hundreds and hundreds of miles, two people who had somewhat different pasts, yet the exact same crystal clear desire for their future, were brought together.  A perfect Love Triangle was being formed between two imperfect humans and their Heavenly Father.
We witness the miracle of the Sixth Sense in the ordinary daily activities of life, often attributing it to being at the right place at the right time.  But when we peer into the rear view mirrors of our lives, we can more clearly see how God’s hand has led us through the ups and downs of life. 
I am forever grateful for the connection that I have with the One who created me. 
And for those uncomfortable times when I can’t see His hand at work, then I know I can trust His heart.
Margi Starr
Springfield, Ohio

Lesson plan from Margi Starr on chapter 14 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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