Ken Klemm

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

Beyond the Farm, Part 4
13. (The Brain). The domain of Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND,
Your BRAIN controls Your life. Let’s be very clear
about this: You CANNOT control Your Subconscious; it
controls YOU.
It translates Your THOUGHTS into words and does Your
speaking and texting. It recognizes words and
translates them into pictures Your CONSCIOUS can grasp.
It manages all the systems of Your body, while it
processes numerous logic problems at the same time –
while navigating a path You are walking or a road You
are driving on. It is truly a multitasking machine.
If something strikes Your Subconscious as funny, it
makes You laugh. It makes You cry when something
triggers the appropriate feelings. It makes ALL Your
decisions to act based on FEELINGS, Feelings based on
It taps into the database of the Universal Intelligence
Library. But it has NO FREE WILL.
Every Belief You hold, every response, every habit,
every reaction to events is hard-wired in Your Brain.
These circuits are called Neural Pathways, strings of
neurons – nerve cells. Your behavior is dictated by
these pathways.
The physical side of Your Thought Vibrations are
generated by Your Brain. The Vibrations are also
transmitted and received via the Super-Conscious, or
Spiritual, network between like-minded individuals.
The ENERGY SOURCE for these Vibrations are Your
FEELINGS. But You have no direct control over the
Feelings. They are, again, based on Your hard-wired
Your brain also processes electromagnetic input from
the objective Outer World. The input is all Vibration.
Smell and taste are electrical patterns generated by
reaction to the vibrating patterns of molecules.
Hearing is electrical patterns generated by reaction to
acoustic vibration. Sight is reaction to patterns of
light vibration. Touch is the reaction to the transfer
of heat vibration to and from the skin. “Rough” and
“smooth” are related to friction… heat energy.
The field of awareness of all this input is Your
Conscious Mind. Pain and pleasure are internal
communications from the Subconscious to the Conscious.
A blessing of the Conscious is that it
can focus on only one thing in any moment. This Focus
gives it the ability to CHOOSE.
CHOICE and DECISION are not the same. Decisions are
made by the Subconscious, whereas Choices are made by
the Conscious.
Through the accumulation of Your Choices, You program
Your reticular activating system (RAS) to ignore some
input, and pass other input along to Your Subconscious.
Here is the key to exercising Free Will via the Power
of SUGGESTION. We can control which Suggestions to
ignore, and which to pass along, via CHOICE. Therefore
ALL Suggestion is AUTO (or SELF)-SUGGESTION.
You can teach Your Subconscious new words, skills and
habits via Repetition. Through Repeated Suggestion, You
can INFLUENCE new hard-wired BELIEFS.
So, although You have no direct control over Your
Decisions or the Feelings behind them, You CAN
Influence the Beliefs that drive them.
Your Friend and Servant,
Ken Klemm – Florida, USA
P.S. 13. CHOICE is the ONLY thing You have complete
control of.

Lesson plan from Ken Klemm on chapter 13 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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