Frank LooSer

Frank LooSer (Sarge) Nashville TN

The Brain
Napoleon Hill describes the Brain as a sending and receiving station for
thought. I’m going to share a few real life examples with you that I have
experienced in my life.
A few years back before the markets took a dive, I was researching and
planning a new business venture. I came up with an idea that a certain
area of town needed a tanning salon because the area had become very
populated during the real-estate boom. The area already hada new
Kroger grocery store on one side of the road and a Publix grocery store
on the other side. There was a bank, several restaurants, a drug store and
a Starbucks all in this one area that had just recently been built to handle
the population growth. I knew based on the market research these other
businesses had already done to locate their businesses there. The area
was a prime for a tanning salon because the nearest on was over 20 miles
away. I knew I had to act fast before someone else picked up on my
idea. There was space available in the Kroger shopping center right next
to Kroger so I knew the location was perfect for high visibility. I was about
to take action and secure the space when the market crashed and I had
to take a step back and assess the financial situation. I made the
decision to shelf the project because of the economy.
The reason I tell that story is because I was in the area today and noticed
that someone had picked up on my thoughts for opening a tanning salon.
They have already put the business sign up and they had coming soon signs
in the windows. I know some people may say that I had nothing to do with
that business opening up, but it is opening up in the exact location I was
going to open one myself. I know I put the vibe out there and another
brain tuned in on it and ran with it.
I had a similar experience some time back when I started thinking about
building a theme park called Bible Land. My idea was to make it educational
and entertaining for all religious faiths. I had thought about a replica of
Noah’s ark designed as a Disney type ride with animated animals and a
tram that would take you through the ark with audio narrating the story
of the great flood complete with the sound of rain and the movement of
the ark making it a real to life experience. I had thought about creating
a replica of King Solomon’s temple, as well as several other attractions
from Bible stories and attractions from other religious faiths. I never took
action on that idea but a few years ago I heard on the news one evening
to my surprise that a company was making plans to create a park called
Bible Land. Although it never manifested, my point is that when you put
the thoughts out there other people can and do pick up on them through
the ether. And if you sit around just thinking, somebody else will receive
those thought and take action in place of you.
Mentoring for Free was just an idea in the beginning and I’m sure somebody
had thought of it before but didn’t take action on it. Michael and Linda
Dlouhy came along picked up the vibration and took massive action to
Make Mentoring for Free a reality for everybody. Regardless of what
others may think Mentoring for Free is an ingenious concept that no
doubt other people are now trying to duplicate. Unfortunately their
efforts are foiled because they have a selfish agenda. Their agenda is
to get you signed up with them as quickly as possible and it’s not free.
It’s about them; it’s not about you, like it is with Mentoring for Free. With
Mentoring for Free yes we would like to have you join us in our businesses
but we lead by example not by manipulation. The decision is always yours
should you decide to join and not because we closed you on the idea.
Because we understand if we close you the first time then we will wind up
having to close you again and again and again to keep you going. So we
take action and put the thoughts out there for like minded people to
find us and to send us their why so that we can help them with
their struggles.
Much thanks and appreciation to Michael and Linda for picking up on those
thoughts and for taking action to make Mentoring For Free a reality for
Prosperous Regards,

Lesson plan from Frank LooSer on chapter 13 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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