Frank LooSer

Frank LooSer (Sarge) Nashville, TN

To see how this lesson has played out in the life of Napoleon Hill and Michael
Dlouhy read on.
The subconscious mind responds like a well-trained soldier when it comes
to following commands. It has no motive to distinguish between right or
wrong, it simply does as it’s told without question.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could get everybody to see things our way
and thus follow our lead without question?   When you learn the subconscious
mind is susceptible to the power of influence based on the deliberate
programing of individuals through all forms of media you can own the world.
In looking back on Sex Transmutation in Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow
Rich he talks about using the emotions associated with sex & love to propel
one to greater achievements.
Most people don’t know that Hill was married to two different women during
his life time. Hill, married his first wife Florence Elizabeth Hornor, in June 1910.
By all accounts, Hill loved his wife and enjoyed being a father. Yet, by late 1912,
the growing belief that his fame and fortune still lay out there Hill move to Chicago.
When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt asked Hill to join the staff of his
National Recovery Administration to help inspire public confidence, he accepted.
This notion , closed the door on the marriage and in 1935, they were divorced.
In early 1937, Hill met 29-year-old Rosa Lee Beeland. They married a few months
later and she labored with him on his next manuscript, a work he tentatively called
The Thirteen Steps to Riches. After months of editing and rewriting, he showed
the completed manuscript to his publisher, who finally agreed to publish it, and the
new book went to press as Think and Grow Rich, and became Hill’s greatest work.
My point in sharing this story related to the previous chapter is because so
many people go through life believing that somebody or something is derailing
or holding them back from achieving their goals. This belief is programing the
subconscious mind for failure. If something is actually holding you back, then
you have a serious decision to make. You either stick with it to make the best
of the situation or you make a decision to move forward on the game board
to win at the game of life.
Napoleon Hill is living proof that making a decision to move forward made all
the difference in the world for him and his life’s work.
My mentor Michael Dlouhy and his wife Linda are perfect example of a couple
who have programed their subconscious minds for success by applying the
principles described in Think and Grow Rich. They have programed their lives
for success by saying their self-talk and edifying and motivating each other
to succeed because they are ALL IN… Love together. How will you take
control of your subconscious mind?
Prosperous Regards,
Frank LooSer

Lesson plan from Frank LooSer on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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