Ernest Tucker

Ernest Tucker Rogersville Alabama

Chapter 12
The Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind works day and night when you are asleep or awake. You cannot control it all the time but you can feed it with your thoughts your desires or your planes.
You have to make your desires clear say your self talk over and over, hundreds of times, write them down and use persistence in carrying out exactly what you desire. Remember your subconscious mind picks up on your thoughts negative or positive anytime it never remains idle.
When I first started reading Think and Grow Rich my subconscious mind was filled with fear superstition and anger.
Fear of failing in whatever I tried to do. Fear of hurting others when I asked for help. Fear of being loved and understood. Superstition of what everybody thought of me as if I could read their mind. Anger in myself when I failed.
I guess it all started when I was growing up. My teenage years of going to school having friends and a sweetheart was taken away from me by Hitler. Instead of schooling of math history faith sports and parties I was taught how to live on nothing how to fight how to hate. I also was taught how to never give up regardless of what I had to do. I was taught to never get tired or feel hunger or wanting to close my eyes and go to sleep.
Now Hill is teaching me how to love hope and have faith in myself. I also learned that it is not the big things that really get your mind to thinking the right things sometimes it is the small things that cause you to understand. Like a drizzling rain sitting on the riverbank talking to my mastermind group that suddenly took away my fear of picking up a phone and calling. The time I was sitting on the porch at a cabin in the mountains when a lizard crawled up my leg took away the fear I had in helping others. The time I walked in Michael and Linda’s house for the first time the feeling in my mind and heart of the calmness and love made me realize people do believe in me and love me and are willing to help me with no strings attached.
It has taken over two years of reading Think and Grow Rich and the help of Michael Linda and Shelly to get my mind turned around and thinking right. To have positive thoughts, and believe in myself. To have hope and a burning desire to reach my goals. My struggles have been slow but I am picking up speed and I can see the finish line in the distance. Thanks to God and my mentoring for free group I am now living a wonderful and beautiful life my mind is getting filled with positive thoughts.
Thanks everybody

Lesson plan from Ernest Tucker on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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