Elizabeth Metivier

Elizabeth Metivier – Brooklyn, New York

Chapter 12 – The Subsconscious Mind
Our ability to create changes, achieve our goals and to enjoy greater success and happiness depends on our ability to direct our subconscious mind.
Our Subconscious mind works day and night.
This can be done relatively simply and easily.  There are a few factors that have to work together so that we direct our subconscious to create what we want and not what we don’t want.
To direct our subconscious mind we have to communicate with it and instruct our subconscious mind everyday, we already do this, we just may not have realized how we are doing it until now.
Our subconscious mind is all knowing and all powerful.  It knows everything that has ever happened in history, and everything that is happening at this present moment.  It is connected to the Universal Power, Universal energy, or God if you like.
When we ask this power for something, when we direct it, remember it will guide us to the situation that will help us succeed.
It knows everything and can connect with anyone or guide us to any situation we want that will help us succeed.
Our Subconscious knows everything and can connect us with anyone and guide us to any situation we want to help us succeed all we have to do is ask our subconscious for what we want it will follow our instructions.
It creates everything in our lives.
It guides us and directs us to bring opportunities to us. Bring people into our lives that can help us.  Our subconscious mind steers us and takes us to where we tell it to take us.
It simply follows our instructions.
Those instructions are our thoughts, our beliefs, our attitudes our actions and our words.  Some of our thought would manifest and some would not.
Our Subconscious responds to thoughts that are repeated and become strongly held beliefs.  It also responds to our repeated actions like our Self Talk.
We will only say what we believe it be true, we will only do what we believe should be done, we will only think what we believe and we will only believe what we think is true.
Our subconscious mind does not have this filtering process that compels it to do only what is good for us.
Instead, our subconscious leaves that part to us and our conscious mind.
By changing our thoughts, our belief, our attitude, our actions and our words we will begin to direct our subconscious mind to create more of what we want and less of what we don’t want.
Elizabeth Metivier 
Brooklyn, New York

Lesson plan from Elizabeth Metivier on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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