Dianna Mifflin

Dianna Mifflin, Granite City, Illinois

Napoleon Hill states in Chapter 12 that you cannot completely control the subconscious mind, but you can influence it. 
This is why Self-talk is so very important.   You know, the GOOD kind, not the guilty, overly critical or self-condescending
kind that most people create and listen to all day long.
Your subconscious mind is sort of like a link between you and Infinite Intelligence and it constantly listens to what you
are thinking or saying to yourself and then makes it happen, “out there” in “reality.”  Whether it’s good, bad or in between,
what you are thinking at any given moment, MATTERS! 
The faster you develop positive self-talk and implement it in your everyday life, the better.  You see, the subconscious
mind NEVER RESTS!  It is always working and sending its messages, even while you are asleep.  This is why, before I go
to bed, I am sure to say my self-talk and FEEL it with the most intense emotions I can muster at the moment.  I always
try to go to bed with a smile, feeling positive.  When I accomplish this amazing things happen!
The last time I remember feeling these intense emotions and sending them through my subconscious by using my self-talk,
the following day, my husband got a refund from our escrow account and the lady at our bank who helped us with a loan
in the past called and asked if there was anything else she could do for us.  So within days of using my self-talk and my
subconscious, some awesome things happened!
Just realize that the subconscious mind is an amazing thing!  It’s the messenger between you and the wonderful things you
want to happen in your life.  Or, it can be the messenger between you and all the fears and things you don’t want to go
wrong in your life.  What you send it will reflect on the things that are happening all around you so always be aware of the
emotions you are feeling and the thoughts you are thinking and direct them both with positive self-talk!
Dianna Mifflin 🙂

Lesson plan from Dianna on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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