David Meyer

David Meyer USA Boise

Chapter 12 – The Subconscious Mind: The Connecting Link
My mentor shared with me a video about a person who transformed his life with yoga recently.  He shared this with me to help motivate and inspire me to never give up.  It worked.  I love hearing about people beating the odds.  I live to hear stories like those.  If I never made another dime for the rest of my life, but I was able to hear as many stories like that as I could life would be fine.  Those stories speak to my soul.
This particular story was about a disabled veteran who was severely obese and could not walk without assistance.  He found an ex-wrestler that used a type of yoga to rehabilitate himself after severe injuries that had left him never able to wrestle again.  That is what his doctors thought, but they were wrong.  He used this type of yoga to beat the odds and rehabilitate his back injuries and wrestled for 15 years after the age of 35. 
Two for the price of one.  I got two stories about people defeating the odds now that have really inspired me and both of them were told they would not be able to do something EVER again and they did it.  Every day thousands of people are told they cannot do something ever again or will not succeed.  We are in a society where trillions of dollars are being made off of self-destructive things like tobacco, alcohol, junk food, and other things. 
There is an entire part of this culture that wants us to fail and be self-destructive and to not succeed.  You could call it evil.  You could call it the devil.  You could call it anything you want, but I just really love seeing people triumph over this tidal wave of negativity.
The disabled veteran not only was able to walk without assistance, but they end up showing him running as fast as he can later on.  He also lost over 140 lbs and completely transformed his life.  Now people look up to him and respect him like he is a leader.
How did he connect with his subconscious mind to create something so incredible that over 6 million people have seen this video now? 
He did everything that Donald Trump says to be successful.
1) He learned his craft.  (Yoga)
2) He never ever gave up!
He also maintained an incredibly positive attitude during his journey even when he was falling down and often not succeeding.  He just got back up and continued trying to succeed.
The thing that really impressed me is he wrote down his goals, and he specifically wrote down a goal, “I will walk again” early in his journey.  BAM!!!  Positive emotions!  Confidence!  Believing in anything possible and connecting with the subconscious mind that is more powerful than the greatest super power computer in the world.
What does this have to do with Think And Grow Rich?  EVERYTHING!
**It turns out these hard core tough guy yogis have a Master Mind group community online where they support each other and welcome each other and learn from each other.  They are using the MASTER MIND group concept to achieve results that the most expensive health care system in the world could not achieve.  Napoleon Hill said this was essential to success and he was correct.
In order for our thoughts to be transmuted into a physical reality or financial equivalent we have to write down our goals, use positive self-talk, and these thoughts have to be mixed with imagination, positive emotions, and faith.  So many people fail to reach their goals in life, but this disabled veteran reached goals that will inspire billions of people for hundreds of years.  To do something that powerful he had to connect with his subconscious mind using the same principles as Think And Grow Rich, and coincidentally with book and movie deals down the road he will probably grow rich as well as having reached his highest potential physically. 
The biggest thing I learned from this chapter is we need to speak a different language to successfully get through to our subconscious mind.  By learning and practicing this language and being consistent we are able to do things that our beyond our normal physical reality based view of human existence.  By doing these things we are able to inspire and motivate more and more people to do the same and through this we create ripple effects in our society.  This language requires us to be positive and to open our minds to the unlimited potential that exists within each one of us.  Oprah Winfrey became the richest and most successful woman of all time and she did it a culture that has traditionally held women back. Oprah clearly has learned how to speak to her subconscious and to remain open minded to unlimited possibilities in life because we are the only ones who can limit what we get in this world by limiting what we give.
Thank you God for my health, wealth, family, life-long friends, 30 Day Mental Cleanse, and the gift of life.
May everyone in this Master Mind group be blessed with love, happiness, unlimited health, never ending joy, life-long friends, and a life that gets better every single day!

Lesson plan from David Meyer on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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