David Haines

David Haines – Doylestown, PA

Our mind is sometimes a pain the butt. I know, I know, it’s where we “live”, but our mind is always trying to get in the way. It’s always trying to control and filter everything. And when it does that we miss out on so much. Instead of just letting it happen, our mind thinks it knows best and really doesn’t let us experience all that we should.
Take our normal 5 senses for example. Sight, Sound, Taste, Smell, Touch. We tend to take them for granted until we really focus on one of them. We go about our day seeing what we see, smelling what we smell, and tasting what we taste. But on rare occasions we focus on something beautiful that takes our breath away. We smell something wonderful that makes us sigh. Or we taste something heavenly that comforts and satisfies us. We touch that someone special in our lives and the electricity flows and we can’t get enough.
That’s when we’re truly using our senses. And when we do that, everything is heightened. Everything is focused. We’re in that moment. We’ve let everything else go and we’re in the NOW.
The other senses are not at all like our Sixth Sense. Our Sixth Sense is only heightened when we take the time to let everything else go. When we trust the feelings we have. It’s unique because it’s not something we can use any of our other senses with. It’s a feeling, a knowing. The only way we can get to that place is by being in the NOW. If we let our conscious mind try to get us there, it only gets in the way. Thinking about the past, the future, the dog or whatever.
If we try to focus on it, we miss it. We can’t concentrate on it or we miss it. The problem about this is that we as humans tend to discount the things we can’t control. We tend to disbelieve the things we can’t explain. So we ignore them. We let them go. But the fallacy in that thought process is that when we do that, we miss out on so much.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I believe our Sixth Sense is a way to communicate with God or the Universe, or whatever that higher power is that you believe in. I believe that everything we need. Every answer we seek. Every path we follow can be guided by the messages and feelings emanating from our Sixth Sense. It’s our choice to follow them. It’s our choice to listen to them.
And really, that’s the meat and potatoes of our whole life. The choices we make. Every one of you on this call today or who is reading this has a choice. You can choose to start living your destiny, or you can choose to continue to struggle. Deep down you know the way. It’s already been laid out for you. It’s your choice whether you decide to listen.
Much love and gratitude,
David Haines

Lesson plan from David Haines on chapter 14 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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