David H Paul

David H. Paul- St. Cloud, MN USA

I like to call the brain, your creation station. Napoleon Hill calls the brain “the transmitting and receiving station for thought”.  And when we piece together everything we have learned through this point (Ch. 13 in “Think and Grow Rich”) we come to understand what a Powerful creation station our brain really is.
Are you aware that you are constantly creating everything you see, taste, touch, smell and feel? Are you aware that you are continuously creating everything you experience as your life? It all happened in your brain; that masterfully created powerhouse of a transmitting and receiving station for thought vibration.
Everything in our universe, EVERYTHING is the direct result of the energy vibration we call thought. We creators, quite literally, have thought everything we are into existence using our amazing brain. 
In the previous chapters in T&GR all lead you and I coming to understand just how immensely powerful we truly are, as the creators of our lives. We are 100% responsible, no excuses, none required, for everything we have or do not have in our lives. 
The brain is where it all starts and ends for us, and we have come to understand that how we use this amazing transmitting and receiving station directly determines what we attract into our experience, like money, love, happiness, romance, health, and prosperity.   You name the emotional experience that you are now experiencing in you life, You have created it.
Take 100% responsibility for your brain and it’s infinity power by doing your very best to learn to harness it’s power by transmitting and receiving on purpose, and you will Own Your Life. All that is required is continuous attention to developing the skills that Napoleon Hill has laid out in T&GR.
To Your Peace and Prosperity,
David H. Paul

Lesson plan from David H Paul on chapter 13 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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