Darlene Moore, Barnesville, Ohio

Darlene Moore, Barnesville, Ohio

Chapter 14
The Sixth Sense
Recently there were some unseen changes in my life.   Thanks to Michael and Linda I was able to handle everyone of them with a positive attitude.
Back in August I stood in from of my mentors team and said by the end of the year I was going to be at the top rank of the company.
I wanted everyone to know what Michael and Linda and the Mentoring For Free System had done for me and my family.
I had someone approach me stating that I always set myself up for failure by making my dreams to big.  I let that comment stop me in my tracks for 3 weeks.  When I realized what I did, I was ashamed of myself because Michael taught me better than that.
Then I found out I was not in the best of health.  I needed to take care of myself but I was determined I was going to get to tell my story somehow.  I was not sure how, all I knew was I was determined to tell it.
See I did not just want to tell people I was worthy thanks to Michael and Linda and the mastermind team.  I wanted everyone to know they had a chance at a better, happier, healthier life as well.
Then came the opportunity to be in a magazine for the whole world to see was placed in front of me.  I was washing dishes and a voice said “Here is you chance Darlene”  So I listened.  It did not matter that I was not feeling my best, I still had to do what it took to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish.
I prayed everyday.  I said my self talk all day long.  I screamed it so loud my dogs continually stood at the back door ready to run if needed.
I just knew this was my chance to share with everyone how great life is and how great their life could be.
I woke up early.  I was on the phone all day long.  I went and talked to people face to face.  I stayed up late. I put my total life on hold and stayed focused on this one thing that I wanted to accomplish.
Many things got in the way.  The past tried to come back and haunt me.  I said no way.  My health tried to take over and I conquered it.  My daughter would say I cared more about my business than I did her.  But I did not stop.
I have 3 more days and I am going to keep holding my head up high and know that I gave it my all.  My little voice is smiling and saying have faith.  Through my tears of writing this lesson, I am smiling and having faith.  Because I know if it was meant to be it will happen.
If nothing else I will continue to think BIG and continue to grow into my dreams., because I know my day will come when I can stand on top of that mountain and share with everyone how fantastic each and everyone of you are.
Thank you so very much Michael, Linda and the Mastermind Team.  I love you all.
With Much Love and Appreciation,
Darlene Moore

Lesson plan from Darlene Moore on chapter 14 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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