Chapter 14 the sixth sense

Chapter 14 The sixth sense

The doorway to the temple of wisdom

The thirteenth step towards riches

Our own sixth sense will pickup on the vibrations from the infinite intelligence in time to warn us of an impending disata or opportunity. States napoleon in this chapter. this chapter has helped me to realise more about myself and these last few months.

Over the past few months I have had a number of experiences where I was told of an event. These were quite significant for myself. These moments were I was told months ago that I would meet my wife on the beach, I met the person am in a relationship with near the beach walked to a café and got a cuppa for us both and we both sat on the beach talking from there it has gone to a relationship.

I was also told that my girlfriend (jen) was my inspiration and I can certainly see that is coming out within me, yet also I was doing my personal development one afternoon when began to fall asleep recognising that my sixth sense can communicate via visual more than anything I allowed myself to rest showing that Jen needed my support.

There have been many times when I have been unable to realise what is going on and for its still a learning curve personally. As I am am scared, its time to face those fears head on knowing just what jen does mean to me as a person. I have todeal with those ghosts and face this head on. For years I was running away from the pain and hurt as it was too much.

Now I have to live here, to support jen as best as I can as requested and just do my best.

Thank you to Michael, willena and Ken for your inspiration guidance and love. TO the wonderful mental cleanse particpents thank you for such a wonderful lessons which inspire me.

Abundant love and hugs,


Ben Drake

Mona vale, Sydney NSW Australia

Personal lesson plan for chapter 14 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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