Brian Redding

Brian Redding – Chicago, Illinois

Chapter 13
Hill states at the very beginning of this chapter, and I quote, “The Creative Imagination is the “receiving set” of the brain, which receives thoughts, released by the brains of others”
Having just completed the Mentoring for Free Marketing Skills call this afternoon at 3:00pm Eastern, I realized that I had just experienced exactly what Hill had written over 80 years ago.
Richard Dennis, who hosts this weekly call and is a genius in his own right, started the training by saying that we have to make ourselves more attractive.
He said that we should start that by making a timeline of our lives and writing down everything that comes to our minds.
Richard mentioned to make lists of people in our lives and events in our lives.
By doing this, we will awaken our thoughts and start our Creative Mind to think of things that happened to us at different stages of our lives.
This will lead us to grouping our thoughts in order to create stories.
Every one of these stories when told to people will get them to listen very intently to you just like all of us on the call listened to the 7 or 8 stories that Richard was relating to all of us on this awesome call.
One of his stories was about punching your timecard when finishing work, another was about Richard fear of failing when he went to College.
He related how one of his teachers, Mr. Booth, taught him how to take notes in high school at Homewood/Flosmoore High School which he still uses today.
His fear of rejection when he was selling encyclopedias in San Francisco, sitting on the curb of the street and telling himself that he will never ring another doorbell again.
And the story of how one of his friends dared him to catch a skunk and when he was holding it up by his tail, he sprayed Richard in the face and causing him to lose his sight for some hours.
All of these stories started to stimulate my Creative thinking. What stories in my life can I tell people that will get them to start thinking and of course, make myself more attractive to those who may want listen or to read.
By being very focused on the call helped Richard to convey his thoughts to me.
He could have also done the same by clairvoyance if our minds were tuned to one another.
This is the part of thought that most of us do not comprehend.
Every time I read through each of these chapters and listen to our skills training of the Mentoring for Free system brings me closer to getting my thoughts to being predominately positive.
By adding some emotion to these thoughts and stories will get people to say “Get out of the way, for here comes Brian.”
Thanks to Michael and Linda for believing in all of us, until we can believe in ourselves.
Brian Redding in Chicago

Lesson plan from Brian Redding on chapter 13 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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