Bob Richardson

Bob Richardson, Sunny Southern California

Chapter 10
The Power of the Mastermind
The Driving Force
The Ninth Step towards Riches
This chapter reminds me of the engine in my car. The previous chapters were the parts we put together to build the engine. Now its time to put fuel in the tank, which is the desire, turn the ignition on which  sends fuel to the engine, shift the car into gear, which is my mastermind group which with a good battery gives the engine power. Now I have put the car into motion, which is action.
Mr. Hill says” No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be to a third mind.”
He goes on to say , when the minds of two people are coordinated in a spirit  of harmony, the spiritual units of energy of each mind form an affinity, which constitutes the “psychic” phase of the mastermind.
I find this to be so true when building a large, profitable, high retention organization in the network marketing industry. Harmony! Since I have changed my mindset, thanks to the cleansing of my cluttered brain, on WHO I want to join my business, I am finding it easier and more rewarding. I have actually turned down 2 people recently that I was TRYING to recruit. They just were going to be a burden for me. I’m done with that recruiting thing. I’m going to have fun, mentor people that are coachable and want to work in harmony. No egos please …….no agendas. Just a smooth running engine fueled with a burning, high octane desire, powered by a mastermind team following a proven system laid out at Mentoring For Free.
Thank you Michael and Linda for this awesome GPS you have created! And thank you to this awesome Mastermind family that powers my engine day in and day out.
Bob Richardson

Lesson plan from Bob Richardson on chapter 10 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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