Bev Bojarski

Bev Bojarski, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

The Twelfth Step toward Riches
I am an electrifying, pulsating being capable of great power…that is the main theme I received from this chapter, this time around. We are fearfully and most wonderfully made. 10,000,000,000 to 14,000,000,000 nerve cells occupy my cerebral cortex and that’s not even the most specular part, these nerve cells are arranged in definite, orderly patterns. The limits or abilities of the human brain are not fathomable. This portrays great electrifying power, I stand in awe of this one facet of my creation.
Thought is energy travelling at an exceedingly high rate of vibration. This type of thought passes from one brain to another, through the broadcasting station of the brain. When I want to use this broadcasting station, I must engage my Subconscious Mind, my Creative Imagination and dah dah….as always…Auto-Suggestion!!!!! These 3 are stimulated when my Desire becomes the focal point.
The greatest forces are intangible. I learn from accepting this that my “other self” is more Powerful than my physical self…wow, that is a relief and totally awesome. The body doesn’t live on, it is just a temporary dwelling place for the “Real Me”! When focus is on the physical man becomes mere “cavemen”, when the focus is on the spiritual side, the essence of the man, life has unlimited possibilities. This is a reason why Personal Development is so important, it feeds our inner self, it stimulates the mind and the senses (all 6 of them).
The Mentoring for Free system has opened my mind to this awakening, this renewal of self as it has for many others. When I focus on the things that really matter, they are all connected to my inner self, not my physical self. It is the use and expansion of our brain that allows us to have faith in the unseen. Our body has separate units, with separate functions, but they are all linked together for the better good of the whole body. I really like what Hill said, “ It is inconceivable that such a network of intricate machinery should be in existence for the sole purpose of carrying on the physical functions incidental to growth and maintenance of the physical body.” Of course it is inconceivable, we aren’t just a physical body, we are also a spiritual body.
When my brain begins to “soak up” and maintain the essence of this book, it makes so much sense to me. Having 3 people work closely together, sharing ideas and thoughts, is precisely the way it was meant to be…2 heads and 3 heads, etc are better than one, adding more brain power, in a harmonious nature is simply brilliant!
So, you brilliant and wonderful people of this Mastermind group, thank you for your electrifying, thoughts, energy, love and power!
Blessings to all,
Bev Bojarski

Lesson plan from Bev Bojarski on chapter 13 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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