Bev Bojarski

Bev Bojarski, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

Chapter 12
The Subconscious Mind – THE CONNECTING LINK
I totally get why I need to go over these lessons many times.  Each time more is revealed to me on a higher level of understanding.  We learn through repetition from birth, it would be silly to think that we no longer need that tool once we become an adult.  As I gain higher levels of understanding, my Faith is increased and Persistence becomes a wanted ally.
I must control my thoughts to control my subconscious, to keep out the negative which allows my subconscious to remain positive.  This takes Action, I must be Pro-Active to accomplish this very important task of keeping my mind on Positive Emotions.  A little leaven, leavens the whole lump, it has to be all or nothing.  Even a little bit of negative eliminates the positive.  As said before you can’t be just a little bit pregnant, either you are or you aren’t!
It is time for me to realize that the thoughts I am broadcasting also imbed themselves deep into my subconscious where they can do harm or good, depending on my choices.  When imbedded these thoughts magnetize and attract thoughts, things and even people of a similar nature.  So, bad companions DO corrupt good morals, it’s a law of Nature!
The only way I have learned to gain control over my thoughts is to be my own thought programmer!  I am the gate keeper, all negative thoughts and emotions must be barred from my presence.  The Bible tells us to meditate on whatever things are pure, lovely, noble…seems like the same process.  Every time I feel my mind wander, I Must say my self-talk, with great emotion, to gain control back.  I am continually reminded by the results I get, of what happens when I neglect, yes it is neglect…my self-talk.  Again, this is a Law of Nature, a choice that has to be made.  Pure and simple!
I totally relate to how my subconscious mind relates to prayer.  A powerful prayer is always one filled with great emotion, like love and faith.  I also must continue to learn to live in the present moment to hear the answer to my prayers.  This reminds me of 2 stories.  The first is a man who was falling off a high roof, he began to pray earnestly for God to help him.  As he was falling he caught on a large nail, which prevented his fall.  He looked up and said never mind, God, I caught on a nail.  The second story is of a man who was drowning, he prayed earnestly for God to help him.  Along came a boat, they threw him a life line, but the man refused to take it.  He said he was waiting for God to save him.  Sometimes I (we) miss the obvious!
This is a lesson I have to learn and re-learn daily because it is a daily battle that takes daily action to succeed!
Bev Bojarski

Lesson plan from Bev Bojarski on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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