Bev Bojarski

Bev Bojarski, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

The Tenth Step toward Riches
When transmuting (which is changing or transferring), the emotion of sex to another element or form of energy, a Powerful, Priceless tool is formed.  This is a tool or weapon fashioned that can overcome obstacles and propel me into action to accomplish my Heart’s Desire!  It is capable of lifting me to a higher level of thought, enabling me to master the sources of worry and petty annoyance that can usually affect me.  It keeps me focused on positive thoughts and emotions because I am using the 3 chord, strongest bond of Love, Sex and Romance! 
Faulty programming from the past has made this a difficult lesson to learn.  Sex is and was a dirty word to many, because it was taken out of the area where it was created for…marriage.  Sex is God ordained!  He created it as a beautiful and wondrous gift for mankind!  The emotion of sex is an irresistible force and when driven by this emotion, men (and I dare say, women) become gifted with a super power for action.
Don’t stifle or quench your sixth sense, which is Creative Imagination at work.  This has been a lesson I have learned.  I am developing through use, my sixth sense, I am learning to stop, be in the present moment and LISTEN to it, I have trust and faith that it is Accurate.  When I realized that this too is a gift from God, that I am actually accessing a direct link with God when exercising my creative imagination, my sixth sense, I felt the power and the peace which it brings to me.
I watch my husband and how he works at his job.  He’s a great salesman, in fact he is rated #2 across Canada with Staples.  I take pride in that now, even more as I realize that his love for me and our relationship has been a major factor in his success.  He also preaches for our little congregation and he shines there too.  We still hold hands and will even occasionally kiss in public, after 39 years of marriage.  Love like this transcends time and space it is part of our souls and that is so powerful!
I was impressed with the take on personal magnetism, which is in itself, sex energy.  I related it to my husband as well as to myself.  In my Network Marketing company one of the things we are encouraged to do is to meet people face to face and give them a card with information about our main product.  I did something a little different the last time I went out to hand out cards, I applied these 5 steps:  1.  The hand shake (firm and pleasant), 2.  The tone of voice, which is a Very Important one (I applied enthusiasm), 3.  The vibrations of thought (don’t go out with a bad mood…I said my self-talk until I was mentally sending out good vibrations) and 5.  Body adornment (this one was a push, I like to be comfortable, I dressed up aiming for a pleasant and professional look).  Wow, what a difference this made, I felt good, instead of intimidated, I was positive, friendly and confident.  Whether it results in anything or not, it did make me feel better about myself, what I was doing and what I was offering, hence I would call it successful!
I lost both of my parents in the past 3 years.  My memories of them still sustain and lift me up.  I only remember and focus on the good times, the wonderful feeling of love they had for the Lord, for each other, for their children and for all of their surrogate children and people they helped over the years.  My parents were the epitome of hospitality.  They didn’t have much but besides their six children they cared for many and shared with many others.  They had Big Hearts and Big Love.  People always remembered how Mom and Dad made them feel.  Loved and wanted.
Memories of love never pass.  They linger, guide and influence you long after the source is gone.
Love is without question, Life’s Greatest Experience.  It brings one into communion with God.  The emotions of love, sex and romance are sides of the eternal triangle of achievement-building genius.  Nature creates genii through no other force!!!
Bev Bojarski
p.s.  Michael taught me that Romance is about caring for and nuturing a special relationship, like he did with his son.  It is not just something done between a man and his sweetheart.  I never understood the title to that movie, Romancing the Stone, until Michael explained this.

Lesson plan from Bev Bojarski on chapter 11 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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