Ben Miranda – Los Angeles, California

Ben Miranda – Los Angeles, California

The Thirteenth Step toward Riches
    This sense is a portion of the subconscious mind, also referred to as the creative imagination and to as the “receiving set” of our brain. It is through which Infinite Intelligence may and will communicate without any effort, demands and voluntarily by, the individual. It is through this “receiving set” ideas, plans, thoughts, hunches or inspirations or intuitions flash into the mind. Here, we get our imagination back into shape, enriched with sex transmutation.
    Now, this step, this key principle can only be assimilated, understand and applied only, I repeat, only by mastering the other twelve principles and it cannot be described to any profane person. Master Napoleon points out, “Understanding of the Sixth Sense comes only by meditation through mind development from within.” With this development one gets a sort of “guardian angel.”
    I usually say in my lessons that I am the Master of my Thoughts and the Captain of my words, feelings, sensations and actions. And for sure NOW, I am on the road to master my sixth sense, and to be prepared to accept as truth this statement, “Through the aid of the sixth sense, you will be warned of impending dangers in time to avoid them, and notified of opportunities in time to embrace them.”
My stories,
    From my personal experiences, one of my favorite quotes is, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Also, I have the basic knowledge of Nature and her Laws. Therefore, I am a believer in and advocate of “miracles” and a “guy worship.”
For many years I suffered a terrible illness and I tried a lot of pharmaceutical medications. During those days I was totally focused how to overcome this illness. One day, more or less five years ago, specifically one evening before to go to bed and after I took the pills and tablets, boom!!! I watched on the TV the peoples, circumstances, events where they were treating my case and issues. Few months later I overcome that illness in an eco-friendly way. A miracle? Guardian Angels? The sixth sense in action with the Infinite Intelligence? I believe so.
    Around a little bit more than two years I started to be involved at Networking, specifically, in Network Marketing Mentoring and Business. Without doubt I knew and met many people in this discipline. Then, I conformed my Role Models and my “Invisible Counselors.” Six months ago I began with MLM business model. How and why? Without thinking, I met an excellent Mentor, Friend and Partner of Business. A sort of magnetism? One of the Nature’s Laws in action? the sixth sense working? I think so.
“The Infinite Intelligence may, through the principles of this philosophy, T&GR, be induced to aid in transmuting desires into emotional, spiritual, concrete or material form.”
– Napoleon Hill. 
Sincerely with love, honesty and gratitude,
Los Angeles, California USA

Lesson plan from Ben Miranda on chapter 13 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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