Barton Felpe

Barton Felpe – Hawaii

Chapter 12 – The Subconscious Mind
This is the chapter that has given me the biggest thing to
take away from this book. That thing is this: “One does not
become money conscious by filling ones mind with negative
I find it interesting that all of the negative emotions are
stagnant. And all of the positive emotions have movement.
One of the best ways I have been able to fill my mind with
positive emotions is through gratitude. I know of no simpler
way to start in the right direction. After having all the
gratitude fill me up, I need to take action to get into movement.
And to do that I need to visualize. Through visualizing what
I want, I find that I am gaining more positive feelings that
is helping me gain more of a “money consciousness”.
Today was one good example.
One of the things I like to do in my free time is surfing.
Last night I decided to look up what the surf was going to
be. Looked to be about 2-3+ feet waves. Decent size waves
to surf. As I laid in my bed, I visualized that next day of
actually surfing. I went to sleep that night in anticipation
of waking up the next day to get ready and go out the door.
Once my eyes opened, I started moving. I felt alive. I got
dressed ready to head out the door until I looked at the
weather. A little bit of rain made me decide not to go.
But to me it didn’t matter if I went or not because I knew
I would have more opportunities later. Just being able to
feel that excitement and carry it throughout my day has
helped move me a step forward in business and in life.
I don’t know if this story makes sense but what I know is
that if someone REALLY WANTS something, then they WILL
take all the actions necessary in order to get it.
This is the power of the subconscious mind. It controls
everything that we do and gets it done. We are all reactive
people to the things we desire most.
Our subconscious minds are so powerful that every morning,
we don’t even think about getting up, using the bathroom,
having breakfast and so on. It just happens.
We are all creatures of habit. There are some habits that
serves us and some that don’t.
What I think we are here in this mastermind group is to
learn and grow by changing our thinking. And we can only
change our thinking by staying plugged in and filling our
minds with positive emotions from our deep desires and
from the passions of others.
This place is what I like to call our “charging station” as
mentioned in chapter on the Power of the Mastermind. We
can’t do it ourselves otherwise we’ll run out of power.
Thank you mastermind group for continuously recharging
my batteries to help me get moving.
With much love and appreciation,
Barton Felipe

Lesson plan from Barton Felipe on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at

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