Willena Flewelling

Willena Flewelling – Alberta Canada

Chapter 6: Imagination
Napoleon Hill says:
Man can create anything which he can imagine.
The creative imagination functions only when the conscious mind is vibrating
at an exceedingly rapid rate.
Man’s only limitation lies in his develoment and use of his imagination.
When I was growing up and in school, not one teacher ever encouraged me
to write. My grades in composition never ever suggested the any talent lying
within me. I don’t remember what sparked the desire to write. But whatever
it was, it changed my life forever. I began writing a journal on New Year’s Day
1968, when I was 14. Not one of those puny diaries from the store, either.
My journal was a 3-ring binder full of lined paper. It took me two years to fill
it, because for a long time I wrote only a few sentences a day. I was afraid
to reveal my true feelings even in my personal, private journal, because I was
afraid one of my brothers would find it and read it.
I am a writer. 28 binders full of handwritten pages, and untold thousands of
words in Word documents, testify to that fact. So…
Why am I not published?
Why don’t I have the imagination to come up with interesting stories?
Why am I not using my writing more in Mentoring For Free?
I’m going to make a confession here. I have NEVER found it easy to write my
mental cleanse lessons. Week after week, I determine to write my lesson on
Thursday or Friday, and week after week I squeak in under the wire on
Monday or Tuesday night. Why? It’s not because I don’t think about it and
read or listen to the chapter early enough.
The answer to that is the same as the answer to why I am not a published
author today. Whether it’s fiction, ebooks, emails, or my mental cleanse
lessons, I don’t believe I have the imagination to come up with interesting
Talk about a pack of lies!!! Long ago I discovered that I can imagine all kinds
of negative scenarios. When my husband or child is late coming home… when
I think I’ve forgotten to turn the stove off before leaving home… when the
house creaks and groans at night… when my business is not growing the
way I’d like… oh yes, I can think of plenty of negative scenarios. So why not
The reality is, I have a very vivid imagination, but it’s tightly bound and
restricted by my fears and false perceptions. The only time I have allowed
it free reign is to let it feed on the negative programming from the past, to
grow those fears and false perceptions till they’re WAY out of proportion.
I have often heard Michael say,
“YOU own your success! It’s inside YOU.
It’s up to YOU!
But you must stay close to the fire!”
I have no trouble staying close to the fire. I very seldom miss a call, and I
soak it all up like a sponge. It’s the first part of it I’ve had trouble with.
There is a desire in my heart… an idea in my mind. Like Mr. Hill, I may need
to coax it, nurse it, and entice it to remain alive. And as I do that consistently,
my idea will gradually become a giant under its own power, and it will coax,
nurse and drive me!
“Ideas are like that,” says Mr. Hill. “First you give life and action and guidance
to ideas, then they take on power of their own and sweep aside all opposition.”
I believe that now, and I am taking action on it.
I want to thank you, Michael, for being so insistent that we “stay close to
the fire” and “be here a year from now”. I would encourage who is discouraged,
to do exactly that. No matter how slow or ineffective you think you are, stick
close to the fire, because that is the first step to success. Everyone gets
discouraged every now and then. But for goodness sake, say your self talk
so you won’t have to stay in that state any longer than necessary!
Willena Flewelling
Alberta Canada

Lesson plan from Willena Flewelling on chapter 6 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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