Russ Aker

Russ Aker, Portland, Oregon, USA

Think & Grow Rich
Chapter 9 Persistence
Persistence the sustained effort necessary to induce faith.
The eighth Step Toward Riches
Hill says, “The basis of PERSISTENCE is the power of will.”
There is a formula, a recipe for success.
Making a cake without flour just can’t be done, other key
ingredients, milk, sugar, shortening, eggs and more.  Blend “all”
ingredients and bake…
Manifesting your dreams into reality…can’t be done without
first knowing what ingredients are necessary to make it happen.
Making a Dream reality starts with the first ingredient, your
“Why”.  Not just any why, but a why that in fact makes you cry.
The next ingredient is DESIRE, not just any desire, but a
burning desire.  There are six additional ingredients to a
burning desire.  These ingredients can be found in chapter 2.
As we stir in desire we must begin to add faith that our
dreams will be manifested to their physical equivalent.  What
is faith?  Hill says, “Faith is the “external elixir” which gives
life, power, and action to the impulse of thought.”…I am what
I say I am.  I have what I say I have regardless of the
evidence.  So what do we add next?
We add AUTOSUGGESTION.  Hill says “mix positive
affirmations of desires with positive emotion and feeling. 
Strong feeling which will strengthen the message passed to
the subconscious”.  Adding this ingredient daily and
repetitively will cause us to reprogram our own mind to take
action in a behavior that will promote our success.  For
example, this affirmation, “I have let go of indecision, doubt
and fear.  I easily approach people with a friendly message
of fun and opportunity.”
Becoming a highly skilled bakery chef requires SPECIALIZED
KNOWLEDGE so to does network marketing/MLM.  Hill says,
“Knowledge will not attract money, unless it is organized, and
intelligently directed, through practical PLANS OF ACTION, to
the definite end of manifesting our desire to its physical
equivalent.  Knowledge is not power, knowledge is only
potential power.  It becomes power only when, and if, it is
organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a
specific end.”  It is my opinion after years struggling with trial
and error in network marketing, now finding “Mentoring For
Free”; I found the Le Cordon Bleu School of mentoring and
education for network marketing/MLM.  This is “the” place
where you and I can learn the skills to grow our network
marketing business regardless of our Company Affiliation.
Next we need a little IMAGINATION and ORGANIZED
PLANNING.  Hill says, “The imagination is literally the
workshop wherein are fashioned all “PLANS” created by man. 
Organized planning is the crystallization of “Desire” into
action.”  Hill says to ally yourself with a trusted group of
people sympathetic with your cause your MASTERMIND
group.  Make sure you add value to the group in return
for their cooperation.
Now we add the ingredient of DECISION.  As we grow our
network marketing business and travel on roads unfamiliar to
our present experience we must make decisions.  If we have
lain a foundation of faith we will easily move past, if not we
will stagnate in procrastination.  This is where application of
the “Principal Ingredients” in manifesting our Dream and a
good mastermind team will help guide us through the obstacles
of our mind.
Hill says Autosuggestion is the cornerstone to the philosophy
of the thirteen principles of which 9 are mentioned in this
review.  The instructions contained in the chapter on auto
suggestion must be applied with unending PERSISTENCE if
we are to transmute our Dreams, our Desire into its Physical
Most people can say the word Persistence, they can
understand its “face” value but they do not come close in
Fathoming its depth.  Hill says “Willpower and Desire” make
an irresistible pair.  If you can come into the possession of
these two, you will master persistence.
I have found the most important ingredient of this recipe is…a
TRUSTED MASTERMIND GROUP.  Your trusted master
mind group will point you to all ingredients for your success;
they will support you when your willpower is vulnerable.  Your
“Well chosen and trusted” master mind group will be there
day in and day out…they will be your roll model.  You will
continue to see those that persistently apply the principles of
the recipe will continue to gain success.  You will come to
know by your own action or by observing others that as Hill
states, “Spasmodic or occasional effort to apply the rules will
be of no value to you. To get results, you must apply all of the
rules until their application becomes a fixed habit with you. In
no other way can you develop the necessary consciousness”
to transmute your desire to its physical equivalent. 
Perpetual persistence.
Russ Aker,
Portland, Oregon

Lesson plan from Russ Aker on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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