Russ Aker

Russ Aker, Portland, Oregon, USA

Chapter 6, Imagination
Look around you, your home, your car, the public buildings, the
library, and all the books. Everything you see, every tool, every
household implement and device is fist perceived from the
creative mind of man through imagination. I am sitting in a
hospital room right now looking around me at the amazing
equipment. A thought came to mind of the current space
mission to Mars, how about the moon landing in 1969. All these
things I mention were developed from the imagination of human
beings with a desire to create. They were ideas, invisible thought
of no substance other than a personal vision transmuted to its
physical equivalent.
These ideas come to us through two sources, one, SYNTHETIC
IMAGINATION:—Hill says, “Through this faculty, one may
arrange old concepts, ideas, or plans into new combinations.
This faculty creates nothing. It merely works with the material of
experience, education, and observation with which it is fed.
Second, CREATIVE IMAGINATION: The faculty of creative
imagination is the faculty through which “hunches” and
“inspirations” are received. It is by this faculty that all basic or
new ideas are handed over to man.”
All our “needs” fulfilled, brought to our finger tips by the creative
mind of man. We are so lucky to be the recipients of the
products and services produced by such great imaginative
In network marketing we have had many of these creative
people of great imagination walk before us paving the way for us
to create our own success by tapping into a mastermind and
using the products and tools to help us transmute our own
desires through creative thought and action into their physical
What we must come to realize is, in network marketing the only
way to progress is to bring others with us, their success must be
our utmost priority. Our creativity comes from our imagined
dream and a powerful why, causing a burning desire great
enough to bring us to action, generating results, confidence and
courage in offering others the opportunity.
I have an associate on my team who through his “Creative
Imagination” by using self talk and requesting help through this
medium was given an idea to create a group on fb. He then
used his synthetic imagination finding tools and resources
already available to develop this idea. Net result, within
about three weeks after launch he had 300 people in his group
and over 40 joined his business to date. Without positive
self-talk the “Idea” may have never been conceived. Without
the practical and astute use of his synthetic imagination the
idea would have just remained an idea.
Hill says to focus your attention on the development of the
synthetic imagination, because this is the faculty which we will
use more often in the process of converting desire into its
physical equivalent. By plugging in to the “Mentoring for Free”
Mastermind team, the daily skills training along with the
thousands of hours of recorded training in the archives you will
be given many ideas for development of the synthetic
imagination and training in the skill of developing the “Creative”
imagination. You will be given instruction on how to develop an
executable working plan for your success. Hill says read the
entire book than come back to this chapter and put your
imagination to work in the development of the plan.
Hill gives example of how to make practical use of “Imagination”
in converting an idea into its physical equivalent. He says,
“Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. Ideas are
products of the imagination. In this chapter Hill examines a few
well known ideas which have surrendered great fortunes, with
the hope that these illustrations will convey to us definite
information concerning the method by which imagination may be
used in accumulating riches.
Hill says, “The story of practically every great fortune starts with
the day when a creator of ideas and a seller of ideas get together
and work in harmony.” Sounds a lot like Network Marketing
doesn’t it!
Millions of people go through life hoping for favorable “breaks.”
My good fortune came in meeting my “mentor at “Mentoring for
Free” plugging in and gaining the cooperation of the mastermind
group there.
Once we are given this break and I might add, it will come for all
who seek it. We then must personally add says Hill,
“Determination, Definiteness of purpose, Desire to attain the
goal, and Persistence. It is no ordinary Desire that survives
disappointment, discouragement, temporary defeat, criticism,
and the constant reminding of “waste of time.” It must be a
Burning Desire!
Your favorable break is looking directly at you so open your eyes
to your “Imagination”. Your “clue” to the right opportunity is to
learn, understand and use the “Five Pillars” of “Do Diligence”.
Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon

Lesson plan from Russ Aker on chapter 6 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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