Mark Michael

Mark Michael, Yucaipa, CA

We humans are an impatient group of people. We want what we want without working for it. I know this doesn’t apply to present company ? What jumped out as a reminder to me was “The creative faculty becomes more alert, more receptive to vibrations
from the sources mentioned, in proportion to its development through USE. This statement is significant! Ponder over it before passing on.” Even Mr. Hill years ago knew what the problems was going to be for many, taking what we learn and USE it!
And in the very next paragraph, he reminds us again with “Both the synthetic and creative faculties of imagination become more alert with use, just as any muscle or organ of the body develops through use.”
And again here “Your imaginative faculty may have become weak through inaction. It can be revived and made alert through USE.”
And once again “Transformation of the intangible impulse, of DESIRE, into the tangible
reality, of MONEY, calls for the use of a plan, or plans. These plans must be formed with the aid of the imagination, and mainly, with the synthetic faculty.”
I do not find it surprising that we are being constantly reminded here to Use what we learn, not just read it and forget it. It is too easy for me to get distracted and off course for my desires unless I use discipline to keep my focus on what I want and the only way for me to make that happen is by repetition.
The use of imagination is something new and totally outside my normal realm of experience for 50 years, so it is no wonder if I do not constantly work with the principle of imagination that I will not have success in building my desire until it is burning hot, which will then let me tap into the power of creation of my thoughts made manifest into the physical.
“Observe that Asa Candler and Dr. Frank Gunsaulus had one characteristic
in common. Both knew the astounding truth that IDEAS CAN BE
Here are two big keys in how we can get what we want!
Mark Michael

Lesson plan from Mark Michael on chapter 6 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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