Ken Klemm

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

The Life of a Farmer, Part 4
7. (Organized Planning). Armed with the Specialized
Knowledge of EXPERIENCE, and the faculty of
Imagination, the farmer is able to plan efficiently
using Idealization, Visualization and Expectation.
In winter, he reflects on past performance, analyzes
soil data, plans crop rotation and purchases seed. It
is also a time to enjoy the company of family and
friends as he rests and recreates from the seasons of
On Economics…
This also relates to: 10. (Power of the Mastermind).
After the American Civil War it became necessary to
reunify the nation. The Secretary of Agriculture,
working withe a small group of Freemasons, organized a
new fraternal order. They called it the Patrons of
Organized into local, county, state and national
Granges, the Order unified the American farmers through
EDUCATION and COOPERATION. The farmers of the North and
South freely shared tips, techniques and breakthroughs
in agricultural science. They founded colleges of
agriculture, youth organizations, and formed networks
of Cooperatives for acquiring supplies and marketing
their goods. The American farmers flourished and helped
foster a nationwide spirit of HARMONY.
Around the turn of the twentieth century, railroads
controlled the movement of food. Throughout the history
of human civilization, those who controlled the
movement of food had the potential to become tyrannical
monopolies if they organized and abused their power.
Such were the American railroad barons. Unwilling to
share the fruits of their thousands of workers’ labor
fairly, they alienated their workers. If a farmer was
unwilling or unable to pay their fees, they let his
crop rot on sidings. Unsympathetic to the prices folks
has to pay for food, they alienated the American
Coordinating with like-minded people, the Grange
convinced and motivated Congress to pass laws such as
the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Interstate Commerce
Act. These, along with labor strikes, brought the
barons to their knees.
Working with folks such as military leaders, who would
benefit by moving troops and equipment with greater
speed and efficiency, the Grange helped create the
Interstate Highway System. Today, railroads must
compete in a situation which benefits everyone.
For any transaction to happen, THE PERCEIVED VALUE OF A
On Leadership…
A Leader is much like a salt shaker. The salt
represents the HOPES and DREAMS of the followers. The
shaker is the STEWARD of these – he or she Contains,
Protects and Nurtures the Hopes and Dreams.
A good shaker must remember: It’s All About The SALT!
Should the shaker become hyper-inflated with its own
false feeling of self-importance and flip over, it will
lose its salt – and become an empty vessel, a useless
A major attribute of a good Leader is a PLEASING
Pleasing to WHOM?
Why, Everyone ELSE!
Above all else, a good Leader is a Great SERVANT.
Service to others comes before her or his own needs.
The Need to SERVE is the Primary Need.
Many of history’s great leaders paid the ultimate price
in SERVICE of their IDEALS. Regardless of Your personal
opinion of their ideals, the following men all had this
principle in common: Mohamed Atta, Martin Luther King
Jr., John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Nathan Hale, the
Apostles Peter and Paul, and Jesus of Nazareth.
Your Friend and Servant,
Ken Klemm – Florida, USA
P.S. 7. It Matters NOT How People Feel about YOU; What
Matters is How People Feel about THEMSELVES because
They were With You.

Lesson plan from Ken Klemm on chapter 7 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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