David Haines – Doylestown, PA

David Haines – Doylestown, PA

Throughout history there have been mastermind groups—Jesus and his Disciples, The Founding Fathers of the US, Congress, Weight Watchers, The PTA, The Science Club, Boy and Girl Scouts and even the “He-Man Woman’s Hater Club” from the TV show “The Little Rascals”, to name a few. There are groups and organizations for every imaginable activity or decision making process known to man. Yet some of us still think that we’ll be successful all by ourselves.
Would anyone even know who Jesus was without his Disciples? Would Ben Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson or James Madison been able to establish a nation and withstand the British Empire alone? Would Congress be able to make a decision…. Wait, forget that one. Ha ha ha… Would men and women from all walks of life be able to lose weight all by themselves without the support of other members trying to accomplish the same goal? A rare few are able to do it, but the majority is not, because whether we like it or not, we can’t do it alone. Yet we try to do it all the time and still have the fallacy that we can.
I’m not pointing fingers because I’m guilty as charged. For the longest time I avoided the advice, wisdom and guidance of other people. I had this grand notion that I could do it by myself. I didn’t need anyone else to get in the way of my plans. I didn’t want to let anyone get close to me because they either wouldn’t understand my ideas or they would steal them. I didn’t trust anyone. But most of all, I didn’t think anyone would even care what I wanted or what I thought.
But when you look at history, there is nothing that was ever created or decided without some kind of mastermind group. Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors of all time didn’t do it by himself. He wasn’t some mad scientist locked alone in his basement doing experiment after experiment and never talking them over with his close associates. I read once where he always had people around him to bounce ideas off of and kept company with other great minds to keep himself sharp.
Albert Einstein, probably the smartest person who ever lived, met with a group of other mathematicians to work on theories and notions. Napoleon Hill talks about Henry Ford always meeting with his top advisors. These are some of the greatest men who ever lived and none of them did it alone.
So why on earth do some of us think that we can? You know what? That’s pretty selfish when you think about it. I look at how selfish I have been most of my life. Keeping all the things I’ve learned and experienced to myself. And I realize how hollow my life really was. As human beings we’re meant to share. Share of ourselves, share our experiences and share our knowledge.
Without sharing and masterminding, we can’t grow. When you think about it, becoming a better person all by yourself is kind of a waste of time. What’s the point if you never share that with anyone else?
I realize now that I’m not alone any longer. I’ve got all of you in this mastermind group to share my life with, and that’s made my life worth living. It’s made me want to get up in the morning.
“Together” we can do so much more than any of us could ever do alone. Together we can change the world!
Try doing that alone!!
Much Love,
David Haines

Lesson plan from David Haines on chapter 10 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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